sorry for the delay in posting a recent update, but these past few weeks have been really rough on me. Since I had last posted, I started the third drug for treatment which in my case is called...
Thanks again everyone for the replies and concern. It really is nice to talk to some people that know what is going on and who have experienced it in some form already. If for no other reason is to...
Thank you all so much for your words of wisdom and for the information. I am glad to report that I did not lose my job and my direct supervisor is willing to fight for me in what he calls " a unique...
Well thank you all for the replies to my first post. They were very kind! To continue to chronicle whats happening with me, I completely embarrassed myself today in front of my bosses... I was about...
Hello all, My name is Mark S. and I just started the three drug treatment a week ago and am already hating life and feel tired sick and in pain... I am absolutely terrified to think that all this...