Congrats music- so glad to hear it!...
Greetings to you both and best wishes for a great new year!...
Same to you, music!!!...
Thanks themiz- and hello to you, too!...
Definitely blessed! You have a great one, too!...
Late, but BIG congrats to you music!!!...
You too!...
Will be praying for you guys. I think this one is pretty much in the bag, though :)...
Big congrats!!! Seems like we're batting 1000 so far :)...
I posted on my thread, but the short version is Undetected 12 weeks later :) my doctor wasn't interested in testing again, but I might inquire about that again. Very few are detected after 24 weeks...
Thanks- same to you Hold Fast! Definitely can't wait to hear you say the same :)...
Hey Allen, Still thinking about you. Hope you'll update us with any news and about your labs that were going to be done on 7/30....
Thanks, themiz! What you and ML and everyone else here are doing for our community is really a huge blessing. Thank you....
Results of bloodwork to see if SVR12 was accomplished came in yesterday. Nailed it! Looking forward to seeing a lot more of this on here :)...
Hey RobV, Congratulations on starting treatment! You've been given an awesome gift in the opportunity to treat with this new drug and I'm sure you'll get the result that is expected :) I am (*was*)...
Hey music, hope things are getting a little better for you. Between working and being out of town most of this week, it's been pretty busy over here. And for some reason I don't get emails about new...
Yay! Have a great weekend!...
Can I get a drumroll! Really excited for you- can't wait for the continued good news, music!...
YOU have a good one, too- excited for you to wrap this thing up!...
80% there! People skills are overrated, anyway :) Things will get better soon, music!...
I don't test again until 7/29 (12 weeks after finishing meds). I was undetectable at weeks 8 and 12, but <15 Detected at week 4. If you're <15 but detected at week 8, I would be totally surprised if...
Looking forward to more good results from you and enjoy the extra energy- it's a great thing!...
What a great thing to read. Cheers up my whole day :)...
Almost 66% done! Keep pushing through, music!...
This result does suck and there's no way around it. There is the hope, like my Dr told when when I had <15 Detected, that it is wrong. He specifically told me that that many times that result can't...
Allen, it seems you're missing one word at the end of that result. "Detected" or "Undetected". Look at my signature (I had one of each). It is possible that they are implying that you are less than...
Big congrats to you!...
I told you I wasn't going to :) It's just the craziest time of the year for my work, so I've not been posting as much recently. Still reading, though, regardless!...
Sounds like things are on the upswing! Glad to hear you're hanging in there!...
Really happy for you guys :)...
Congrats on your last day, Allen!!!...
Bob C.- Glad our threads have been helpful! When we started everything was a question and my hours of scouring the internet often couldn't give me any real answer :) Hope your lack of sides continues...
Glad to hear you still in good spirits- I'm pretty sure Undetetected is the new you! You just need to get used to it :)...
Hey music! Thanks for checking in. I really haven't had anything new going on. I've been reading everyone's posts, but didn't feel the need to keep saying I'm feeling fine on my own thread :) I...
Congratulations on continued Undetected- nice to hear you got some family time in, too!...
That sounds awesome! You've seen me saying stuff like this- I've been an energy monster quite a bit myself :) I believe that is a good sign!...
As to your question if I notice the difference- I feel better than I have in years as of about week one of treatment. I've heard others say the same, but if you're experiencing sides you may not...
Welcome eagle1! Stay thankful, take your pills and treatment will be a memory before you know it! If you're feeling a symptom, try to focus on something else. Sometimes it works, sometimes it...
It really needs some spotlight. It's not any different than having the cure for HIV and it's fairly inaccessible and no one is really making a real effort to eradicate the disease. Except I think...
Don't they know the suspense is a lot of our stress :) Anyway, congrats on the good results!...
Physically, yes :) Thanks! Been working on this huge problem at work still and it's been a ridiculously long couple days. I've worked almost all of it......
Glad to hear you're hanging tough- sounds like you've got thing figured out!...
Hey, Allen. Hope you're feeling better...
Hope you feel better soon. Sorry to hear you got that sick. My labs from the 31st put me at 12.7 (127 the way yours are recorded), and I'm not running any marathons for sure :) At the very least,...
Hey music, I also have been hyper at times (fairly often), and just talking away. Unfiltered is a pretty good additional descriptor :) I occasionally say some things I might not normally. But I also...
Big congrats on UD!!! That's huge!...
Thanks everyone! Allen, we all know you're undetected, too. It's just not on any piece of paper yet, unfortunately :) Can't wait until the day you officially get this result! And everyone else, too....
I feel really full! Just ate way too much buffet!!! But, seriously- it is a great feeling :) It hasn't fully sunk in yet, though. Thanks music!!! It's nice to see you still are thinking of us all!...
Viral Load results are in. Saw Cirque Du Soleil "O" last night and am just waking up to this :) 3/31/2014- <15 HCV RNA Not Detected (this after day 55 of treatment and before day 56) 3/03/2014- <15...