Hi Pink Grandma, Thanks for your reply:) Life isn't a bed of roses after transplantation in any way. My husband has been back in hospital with kidney infections, has type 2 diabetes caused by...
Hi There and welcome, I'm a nurse too but in mental health. I used this site a lot last year when my fiance was very sick. It helps to hear other folk's stories and get advice and companionship that...
Hi Folk's, Not been on in a while, kind of banned myself from the www /community/emoticons/shocked.gif Survival strategy as sometimes knowledge is dangerous /community/emoticons/skull.gif Busy few...
Not sure how to post a new thread, HEPC93, thanks for your welcome thou Allyb...
Thanks, specialist's meeting today to decide whether or not the TIPS shunt is going ahead. He is back in for more acities drainage to local hospital tomorrow. New symptom's of anxiety, agitation,...
My fiance has Hep C diagnosed @ 6yr ago, Treated 3 yrs ago, -ve, + 6mth ltr. Now advanced cirrhosis and marked decline and 5 x acitic tap's in past 6 wks to drain, /community/emoticons/cry.gif...