Thank you for all your opinions and advices. I think I am denial that the Cancer will not come back after my TACE treatment but after reading different posts and hearing it from here that the Cancer...
Per the chief surgeon, the surgery is too risky because it's next to the IVC artery. The only treatment for me was the TACE because my doctor did jog want to risk of severing the artery. Yes, I was...
Worried daughter2, I have discussed it with my doctor and he told me the only cure is to remove the tumor by sugery or to have the transplant. Due to the location of the tumor, the chief surgeon...
Worried daughter2, yes I do when I am higher in the list only because of work and family. Ideally, I would like to have the TP ASAP when I rrlocate there. I have heard that your can wait for months...
Mama Lama, Thank you for your advice. My doctor told me my MELD score will remain at 25 as of today. I will have another MRI and blood test in December and if everything is the same I was told that I...
Worried daughter2, I was told by the cordinator that I have been placed on "status 7" status since I live out of state and when I move to Florida then my status becomes active. My understanding is...
Thank you David and SyXx. My doctor told he would not know the severity of my tumor unless a biopsy us done after the transplant. I have a 3 1/2 year-old and I hope to live long enough to see my...
David, Thank you the replied and re-assurance that I have the potential of living beyond 5 years. It's good to hear from someone that actually went through it....
Arneeb, thank you for your advice. That's what I am hoping for. To hear from those who are in my situation....
Hi, I am glad to have found this site. I have read many posts and learned so much. I am 48 years-old male and have chronic hepatitis B. The hep-B was passed on to me during birth. 15 years ago I was...