Sad news for friends of silent daisy. Petra's operation went well, her recovery was good, but three weeks later she died of an undetected duodenal(?) ulcer that perforated with no warning. She had...
bile duct cysts... on july 22nd he did an ERCP... during this procedure he inserted stents into the bileduct and pancreatic duct, in order to drain bile... i felt extremely sick after the ercp and...
p.s. some of your other symptoms mary, also sound very familiar !! but i also have a hiatal hernia (GERD!) i find eating 5 or six small meals a day helps that problem... small meals are also better...
my dear mary... OUCH!!! that sounds very painful... as far as pain killers go, that is another story... in the beginning i used to walk the pain off (just like pregnant women do), the only way i was...
hi sarita... thank you for your kind reply... saw the surgeon this pm... we went over the mrcp and the second ultra sound... he is sending me to a specialist in vancouver... bile duct cyst are very...
hello everyone... i have just been diagnosed with a choledochal cyst (ultrasound and mrcp), has anyone in cyberspace had the same diagnosis ??? what was your experience?? if this is a canadian site,...