No, I have never been to a third-world-country. Its interesting to see that there are others like me out there. Strange symptoms that really make me feel like theres something not right. I think the...
Hmm...I didn't think that diagnoses could be so cut and dry and simple. It's not that I'm looking to self-diagnose myself. Its that I just know so little about what all this is like for others and I...
Yes, I did have a colonoscopy done July 2005. It was during one of my most memorable episodes, when I was also put on prednisone. I was really sick. I had swollen glands and a persistant fever. I had...
They put me on prednisone because I was very sick and had blood in my BM. They didn't know what else to do and it worked. It was right before I had my colonoscopy surgery done. I had a polyp removed...
Hey everyone! Just wanted to ask a few q's! I was DX with IBS 5 years ago and have been unhappy with how quick they were to throw that at me. I'm wanting to know the differences between IBS and...
Hey everyone! I'm Kristyn. I was diagnosed with IBS 5 years ago and I'm still confused. At times, my symptoms are bad enough to make me believe its something else, such as Celiac or Crohn's. I've...