Hi Tech Girl Appreciate your advice, as far as tranquilizer usage, I only take as I feel it is needed, it is not a daily dosage...........clorazepate (tranxene), which is for anxiety...
Hi: Everytime I have an attack of IBs, I have nausea, and lots of gas and burping.........Very uncomfortable, peppermint helps and so does celery , however not to any great extent...
Appreciate your comments, and Kitt, already I feel like I have stumbled on an informative and friendly site........Am feeling pretty good atthe present time (I call it remission), but am glad to know...
Actually I am a senior member, having first had IBS-C many years ago, when going thru a divorce.....After a time it became dormant, and only flared up very occassionaly......However, since 2003 it...