Thanks for this post, Shawn. I've recently started taking Hydrocodone for my IBS and while I'm on it, everything is great. Recently, I've noticed that on days when I don't take any my I get cramping...
Yes. It happens to me all the time. I was first diagnosed in 98 and by 2000 it felt totally gone but came back in 05, went away and came back in 08 and never totally left again. In 08 my subtype even...
It's an easy test, kind of like a cat scan in a lot of ways until they inject the CCK, which contracts your gallbladder to simulate eating. That part can cause you some pain/discomfort but that part...
Hyoscyamine is still available under the name Levsin or NuLev. Another similar drug you might want to give a try is Donnatal, Belladonna Alkaloids. I thought Donnatal worked better than Hyro but it...
I'm not a doctor but I've had biliaray colic resulting from a hypoactive gallbladder (low functioning), with a 6% HIDAscan. I'm not 100% because I'm not a doctor but if you're having this problem...
I used to take it when I first started having problems in '98. I don't take it anymore because it never did me much good but it might be the wonder drug for you. I never felt like it was in any way...
Did he ever consider the possibility that you might have irritable bowel syndrome, another bowel disorder? It's much more common than Crohn's and although I'm not a doctor it seems to fit your list...
One more thing...Not that I'm stalking you or anything but I noticed you had a post in the Crohn's forum about your Boxer. First off, let me just say I'm very very sorry for your loss. As a dog owner...
I have general abdominal pain that sometimes moves around, sometimes stays in one area along with gas. Sometimes have have flares where I get stomach cramps about an hour after eating along with...
It's not really the same thing but I've had low gallbladder motility problems from taking pain meds. Opioid paid meds reduce the movement of the smooth muscles in the GI track and gallbladder. I...
I've had IBS for nearly 12 years. Most of the time when I've had pain it's been in 1 of 3 usual spots but I suppose it could be one. If there's anything I've learned from having this it's that...
Have you had other tests done, like colonoscopy, sbft, etc? If so, how long has it been? I'm not a dr and have no medical background so take what I say with a grain of salt but if I were in your...
I'm sorry to hear of your unfortunate situation. If I were you I wouldn't rely on blood alone and if you're doc is worth is degree then he won't either. Blood in general (CBC, ESR, CRP), usually...
Hemorrhoids aren't uncommon for people with IBS-C, even at 20 due to straining and constant constipation. You may even have the occasional fissure. If you're asking my opinion, I wouldn't worry about...
My Dad has had two heart attacks resulting in two stints. His doctor placed him on Plavix and advised him to never go off it. He also has GERD for which he used to take Nexium for until recently,...
My GI wants to do a CT to check for crohn's. If I'm in remission but have the disease will it show in the scan or does the disease have to be active to show itself?...
It's probably hemorrhoids but its possible it could be IBD (crohn's disease/ulcerative colitis). The best way to find out exactly what's causing it is to go to your doctor, tell them about it and...
I've been diagnosed with IBS and I would say IBD is worse for the same reason bookgal77 mentioned. However, there are a very select few that usually have very intense IBS-C that have had their colon...
Most of my pain is in the lower left. It's a dull ache that comes and goes. Sometimes it travels to the lower right or navel area but it's usually in the left. I occasionally get lower cramps about...
I had an IBS test and I tested abnormal for interleukin-1 beta (il-1β) <279.5 (279.5-1358.6). What does this mean?...
Recently, I've had many blood tests, small bowel follow and a few years ago I had a colonoscopy and a CT, which have been negative. In light of this I'm going to ask for the pill cam when I see my GI...
I've been having some cramping an hour after eating that comes and goes with altering diarrhea and constipation so my dr ran the Prometheus IBD 7 test at my request because I've been worried about...