Possibly acid reflux. Try going back to doctor and asking for a test for a bacteria that can overproduce acid in the stomach. If neg, you may just be unlucky and naturally produce too much. Do the...
The gallbladder is an organ which stores concentrated bile (the enzyme which digests fat). The liver creates bile, but only in a less concentrated form that the GB stores, which is why, when the GB...
It sounds to me very much like gallstones. As your pain is so severe it could also possibly be infected or a stone could have got lodged in your bile duct, this would cause jaundice, and make your...
I think a GB forum is a good idea, searching through to find specifics is a bit of a pain and i personally would like to give my own experiences to help people going through the same things as me...
Hi lill, Have you thought that your problem could be associated with acid refux or heartburn. This is what i was mis diagnosed with for 3 years before they finally did a scan and found out it was...