I get ulcers in my mouth alot which I know can simply be a symptom of colitus. What I do get that is strange is swelling on the roof of my mouth. It feels as if the entire nerve connecting to one of...
I picked up my results from my colonoscopy today and everything is looking pretty good. My colitis specialist said he did some research on ANA and realised it can in fact just be due to having UC and...
How important is fiber? How do you guys stomach it? I avoid fiber as much as I can as it makes me need to go all the time! I can't imagine adding fiber supplements to my diet could improve my...
I agree Greyeyedblond, if I'm sick but push myself to go to work my symptoms are usually a lot less severe! It's so much worse when you're in a 'poor me' mood. My stomach will churn and grumble a lot...
Hi quincy, No hemmies. I was going to the toilet 20-30 times a day up until less than a week before my colonoscopy, but then I got heavily constipated I still don't feel like my bowel is back to...
My vitamin D levels are low, they always are whenever I am tested. My doctos advice was 'Take tablets if you want to, most people suffer from this deficiency' How and why is vitamin D good for people...
Something I have always been curious about is does a flare up leave perminant damage on your bowel? Colitis was once described to me as the bowel eating away at itself. When colitis is in remission...
Unfortunatly for me I can't say that I am flare free! I hate colitis medication and will stick to it at first but then come off it. I took no medicine for the past 3 years except for a week of...
Another thing to add, and it sounds horrible to say it, but the size of your partner will make a difference. This is probably a closer reflection of why it has been less enjoyable more recently. My...
I lost my mum to bowel cancer and my dad suffers from very bad ulcerative colitis. I am 24 and have had UC for 6 years. I have very bad genes for this! Whay preventative steps can I take to lower the...
I guess my main concern here is that my doctor has given me Colazide and I am meant to be taking 6 tablets a day for the rest of my life. Both my dad and my stepmum suffer from UC. My dad continues...
Hi Mudua, This is not a marketing ploy and I'm sorry if it came across that way. If you have a look you can see that I'm an active member on this site posting a lot of questions about my condition. I...
When I'm not undergoing some horrible flare I still seem to spend 50% of my life sick! I ALWAYS have a sore throat, I constantly get the snifled, I once got 8 chest infections, each on lasting for...
There is light at the end of the tunnel! When I was first diagnosed with UC the flare lasted just over 2 years. However I used to be shocking with remembering to take my medicine daily. I ended up...
I have suffered from colitis for 6 years. I am meant to be on daily medication but I hate the idea of it. Does taking medication make you become dependant on it? I would like to have kids in 2-3...
What does an immunologist do?...
Thank you for your help. I have had a read of the links, doesn't sound very pleasant. I have a few of the symptoms associated with it, but not all that many. I guess its just a sit and wait game now....
Try it if you are comfortable. As mentioned above I would be careful and never NEVER do it during a flare up. Make sure you have an understanding partner who will know that if you stay stop, you mean...
Hi guys, I recently experienced a flare up and the natrapath recommeded Intestamine while also taking the drugs the doctors give you. The ingredients per 5g serve are Fat - total <1g Carbohydrates...
I have gone on colazide 750mg (which is an alternative to the main stream medications, I am allergic to sulfer). Whether this will work for you or not I can't say, I was on no medication at all...
There are a number of conditions associated with IBS. Just wait to see what the doctor says as depending on exactly what it is the next steps may differ. There is medication, diet options, natural...
I am being tested for Lupus as I have had 2 positive speckeled ANA blood test readings over the past 3 months (1:1200 and 1:2500). I am curious, what are the symptoms of Lupus? What about other...
I had horrible colitis 2 weeks ago where I was going to the toiletg 20+ times. I was put on new medication and pregnisolone 25mg one tablet a day. I had a colonoscopy yesterday and there was no sign...
I had some biopsys taken in a colonoscopy I had done yesterday. Will they be able to reveal if I have Lupus or another autoimmune disease? I get the results next Wednesday but I really dont...
I also get sick frequently catching EVERYTHING that goes around, and always have...
Hi guys, I have had ulcerative colitis for 6+ years I was horribly sick a few weeks ago. I was going to the toilet 20+ times a day, losing a lot of blood and in a lot of pain. I hadn't been on...
My advice would be to only do it while well. I find that it can actually bring on an outburst of UC. Use a good lube and don't do it too often....
Hi guys. I have had ulcerative colitis for 6 years. I hurt my leg late last year and it took 6 months to heal when it shouldn't have taken any longer than 6 weeks, which got the doctor to do some...
Have you managed to come off your medicine and use something natural instead?...
I have a colonoscopy in 14 hours. I took a laxitive 24 hours ago, I followed the diet strictly. I am drinking that fizzy stuff right now. I have cramps, wind and gurgelling in the tummy but I just...
Hi, I am 24 and have suffered from ulcerative colitis for 6 years. Late last year I injured my leg and it took 6 months to heal prompting some questions and resulting in a blood test. The blood test...