Thank you imagardener2, I'll do a little research on the specific carbohydrate diet too. Keep my options open. Again thanks for the reply. So I take it you love gardening by your name? I have my mums...
Tgurl1323, I get like hot flushes too but not like breaking out in a sweat. When I have an attack or a flare up as you call them I tend to sleep with the fan on low. I'll also go from being hot to...
Hi everyone, I'm new and I suffer from IBS and I am really interested in the FODMAP diet. I am just today starting to feel 'normal' after a bad attack - 3 weeks tomorrow! A little about myself - I...
Hi everyone, I'm new and although I suffer from IBS and not UC I am really interested in the FODMAP diet you are talking about. I am just today starting to feel 'normal' after a bad attack - 3 weeks...