Hi, everyone. This may seem like a silly post, but I can't take it anymore and need to vent somewhere. I'm getting so depressed I don't even want to go home. Just pulling up into the driveway, I...
I have not been tested for Celiac, from my understanding it's not that reliable of a test. I limit my dairy/wheat though since I do notice I feel better when I cut back on it. I'm going to look up...
Hi there. I get frequent diarrhea, but I notice sometimes it gets better if I drink green tea with a dab of honey. I sometimes put a squeeze of lime. I use the Lemongrass green tea (ingredients also...
I just got back from my appt. My doctor wants me to provide 3 stool samples and blood work to see if they find anything. Depending on how that goes, he'll refer me to a GI specialist if needed. Other...
Hi, I just wanted to say I'm sorry you're feeling so isolated and sad, and I'm sorry I don't have much advice since I'm new to understanding what IBS does to people, but it seems like you have great...
Hi, and thank you for responding to my post. Today's my doctor's appt, and I'll be sure to ask for a referral to a GI specialist if it doesn't seem like I get any help - he's just a family doctor....
Hi, this is my first forum post. I'm hoping I can get a little help. I'm going to the doctor this Thursday for the first time, and am hoping to clarify what's been troubling me, and if anyone has any...