Thank you! No but I wasn't recommended any by the gastro... so I assumed he didn't think I needed to take any? haha I'll be seeing him in 7 weeks so if it comes to it will bring up the question...
Ah okay thanks for the reply! My symptoms tend to wax and wane, some days will be worse than others. When I'm having a flare of constant cramps, diarrhea and so on, it's definitely worse. At the...
Hi there, After seven years of being told I have IBS, I finally managed to see a decent gastroenterologist who sent me for a flexible sigmoidoscopy (had one previously two years ago but they didn't...
Ah, I should have elaborated a little with the symptoms haha. I do suffer from frequency, at the onset of my condition years ago I would go up to 10 times a day. I didn't get urgency so bad before...
Hi 1Wish, How are you now? I read through your posts and though I've yet to be fully diagnosed your symptoms are very similar to mine atm. I don't know if mine is a flare or not and I have an appt...
Hey everyone, I've always had 'IBS' symptoms since 2011. They're mild to moderate usually, and though I had softer looser stools, it was nothing like the recent bouts I've had. A couple of months...
The initial doctor who called me said it was blood in the stool, which was weird, but when I went to see a different doctor to speak about it they just mentioned the calprotectin levels. So I have no...
Hi there, So for the last 6-7 years I've had bowel issues, mainly swinging between constipation with the very occasional bout of D. I was tentatively diagnosed with IBS as I had no other red flag...
Hey all! My wonderful investigation into my bowels is still ongoing.... So I went to the GI yesterday and they explained the results of my blood test markers had come back normal so no inflammation...
Heyyy. I'm currently not sure whether I'm suffering from an IBS pain flare or something else entirely (like perhaps UTI). Atm I'm having some really sharp nagging pains around and under my navel...
My physical symptoms vary due to other conditions, but the main ones related to my anxiety are: Nausea, fatigue, headaches, head tension, dizziness, numbness, trembling, trouble breathing, cannot...
Yeah, the thing is I don't necessarily have nausea anymore and the pain has subsided a lot, it was a nagging sensation, now it's just sore mainly when I put pressure on it (but it's more towards my...
Hey there, I'm not sure if this is posted in the correct section, so I'm real sorry if I've posted it in the wrong place! I've never had appendicitis in my life, but at the same time this is a new...
Thanks haha. I guess I'm just worrying and it's probably exacerbating my symptoms tbh! I'm having some pain in transverse colon, splenic flexure (pain radiating to back?) and in my lower abdomen and...
Ah, yeah. That makes sense. I think it would be good to have some biopsies done and I was supposed to but because it was apparently normal they didn't take any. I'll see what the gastro suggests when...
Ah... It's weird because the particles don't look particularly red or brown... Somewhere in the middle. The mucus is clear though. They decided sedation would not be worthwhile as it was literally a...
Ah so when I'm going it's basically mucus with browny red specks... Is it normal for this mucus to occur? Apparently everything in my lower bowel and rectum was normal....
Hey there. So I had my flexible sigmoidoscopy today and I had an enema to prep for it. First ever time. I was a bit concerned as usually I'm more C than D and I think I was a bit constipated at the...
Haha I think I'm just worried about what I'll see on the screen. But I guess it won't change anything. Ah okay... I don't think my brother remembers if he had bleeding after. But I imagine with...
Well I ate some beets today but I don't think that's the cause as I've not eaten them before and noticed it still. I've only ever had actual red bleeding once before a few months ago and it hasn't...
So I have a flexible sigmoidoscopy tomorrow but right now my mind is freaking out over the idea of missing something by not having a colonoscopy (couldn't have one this time round as housemates I...
Ah, so you can just do the enemas in the morning before the actual procedure? I definitely would prefer to not have to be sedated but I know I'm definitely a wimp! I guess I could start without and...
Yeah, it is a little weird, wasn't even aware that just taking enemas before the thing were an option, but they definitely said it's fine :/ I'm definitely gonna go for the sedative - have had bad...
Another quick question - my iron store levels were apparently considered low to some doctors but only a little low to others - last time I had blood taken in Oct they were 12 (whatever that is) Is...
Yeah I was told people generally have gas and air but I know that would probably not do much for me, as I have a very low pain threshold lol! Ah they gave you a prep? On mine I was told I could just...
Does the clearing out take a while? How long are you expected to be at the hospital for as mine is meant to be a day case procedure. I've heard many people say that they didn't feel much during the...
Hey there! My abdominal pain generally changes but I find it's mostly confined to my lower abdomen, just above and below the bellybutton. I usually find myself very gassy a lot of the time, and if I...
Hey there, I'm very nervous as after over four years of symptoms including constipation, frequent bowel movements, abdo pain, rectal pain, and constant gas (as well as one bm which seemed to just be...
Well it was more that I was worried about Bowel Cancer more than anything. If I do have ulcerative colitis I'm sure it's something that can be managed, I'm actually more terrified of the worst case...
Hey all, A little bit of back history so it's not super confusing - I've suffered IBS type symptoms for over 4 years now. My brother has Ulcerative Colitis and was diagnosed maybe 5 or 6 years ago...
Hey, So I normally suffer with bladder problems alongside my IBS (where I lean more towards C than anything else) but for the last week or so I've been suffering with symptoms that are very much...
Wow, it's bewildering that it took so long for your uc to be diagnosed! I really hope things are better for you now though! Thanks for the supporting words :) hopefully it is just an inflammation of...
Thanks :) am not sure if my doctor considered it an emergency or not, but I don't feel they are the best doctors I've ever had. Saying that, it's the first time I've been referred so maybe it's not...
Thanks everyone. Although I couldn't go much I managed to get a small sample to take to the doctor this morning. I'm very worried as I posted on a cancer forum and was told that I shouldnt wait for...
Hm, maybe. I did think perhaps that it was more likely to be UC than bowel cancer but there's always that niggle in the back of my head. As my brother has been through the works I am sure the gastro...
Hey there. So I don't generally suffer from UC as my apparent diagnosis (no tests) four years ago was IBS but I've lately been suffering some worrying symptoms that have been really panicking me. I'm...
I'm a little bit confused at the moment regarding my symptoms. I have been unofficially diagnosed by doctors with acid reflux (had no endoscopy) due to symptoms originally but due to a recent episode...
Possibly Ulcerative Colitis or Crohns Disease?...
I've been told it's not neccessary apparently.. :( my symptoms aren't too severe enough! I've given in a stool sample and will hopedfully have the results this week, and I had my blood rechecked. God...
I'm struggling, day by day. I have this horrible cramp against my rectum and tailbone, not relieved by passing gas or having a BM.. just feels constantly draining as I feel like I should normally be...
Hey! I've been doing everything I can today to have a BM but it's not been happening and I'm feeling really pressured down there, and to make matters worse it causes my bladder to feel sensitive too....
Hey... I was prescribed this by my doctor. Been on it nearly 3 days and haven't noticed it get any better. Do I have to wait longer for it to take affect? Also I'm guessing it doesn't help with that...
I'm having bowel problems now for seven months ever since the end of my pregnancy and the last month or so when I've been I noticed a small amount of blood. I also have issues with frequency, softish...
I'm slightly under normal weight and can't seem to put any on either. I don't know whether this is because of how many times I go or that I'm generally stressed ATM or whatever. I wake up every day...
The weird thing is that wilts only just over four weeks ago since I had a FBC that was for my laparoscopy that came back normal obviously otherwise I wouldnt have had it and I haven't bled huge...
Thanks. It eases my mind slightly but I'm slightly concerned that with my family history I have something to worry about. I'm typical of having health anxiety but with all my symptoms I'm paranoid it...
Well blood tests come back for FBC and there's nothing on the screen but he needs to speak to me so now I'm paranoid I'm anaemic which although could be due to my ongoing vaginal bleed could actually...
Mind you I do feel fatigued a lot of the time and that's even with 7 hrs sleep so I'm not sure if that's something to do with it :/...
I've had my full blood count done but not had the results. Despite that if they did come back as anaemic they would probably put it down to my abnormal vaginal bleeding (have had investigations) sO...