For the past year or so, I have had fairly bad constipation. I could go nearly 2 weeks without going. Coffee used to help untuil about three weeks ago and now not even lacitives help. At all. I am...
.....Probably a good idea. Thank you for your help!...
Constipations, major pain in my abdomin and I do mean major.... and dizziness( (I don't know if that would be a part of IBS or not....)) Those are the three main ones but there are others thatmake it...
My IBS has been working over time even though I have been eating perfectly? I am on a strict IBS diet at the moment yet I still have at least two MAJOR IBS attacks a day that not even pain killers or...
I have something fairly similar to that. I constantly get side pains with my IBS and with the other part two. It seems your lower intestine seems to not be working right since it should be absorbing...
Haha I do that so much also!! I only got diagnosed with IBS last year after a major surgery so all my intestines at the time and now were covered in scars so i had to learn very quickly how to deal...
Okay, thank you both of you. Will try again. It was probably a side-effect of something else. As long as it wasn't ibs I'm happy! :3 Again, thank you both for reading and replying!!...
It actually is very normal for IBS. Well I get it and everybody i know personally with IBS gets it too. Try not to panic. Panicking causing major stress and could be causing your IBS attacks. I know...
Is it just me, or do baths and IBS not go together at all? Always after having a bath I will feel really nauseous.... but the pain does go away for a while. It's only been like that since after my...
I get nauseous after everything I eat. I'm not sure if it is because of IBS or another condition I have called Polycistic ovaries. Though I presume it would be IBS. Is it after everything you eat or...