Hi Sorry to hear your daughter is going through all this.What I would recommend is finding a new GI doctor and asking him if you're daughter could do a hydrogen breath test that should give you an...
Hi Katydid11 I'll have to try a fruit smoothie again.I tried some a while back and it bothered me,it just seems like whatever I put in my stomach doesn't agree with me.Thanks for the recipes I...
Hi Sunny As far as the constipation goes you could try resolor,amitiza.For the nausea you could try turmuric,peppermint tea,peppermint candy,ginger candy,ginger tea.Good Luck with your surgery I hope...
Thank you for the info I appreciate....
Hi John I tried the low carb diet and it didn't work,you can try if you want it wouldn't hurt.Like they say everybody's different so it might work for you.If you have bacteria the hydrogen breath...
Hi John Sorry to hear your going through all this that's terrible.I had a really bad food poisioning about 13 years ago and went to the doctor nothing was found.Finally saw a Gastroenalogist and he...
Sorry to hear your in so much pain.My symptoms make me miserable too.I tried a couple of pain medications and they made my symptoms worse.I know the feeling,it's like a hopeless feeling because...
Hi Sorry to hear about all that you're going through I know the feeling and understand.It sounds like IBS but I'm not sure.I have some of you're symptoms like the nausea,gurgling in the...
Thanks to those of you that replied to my post.It's good to know that there are people out there that understand the misery I'm going through.I wish everyone the best. Thanks again,Mike...
Hi, My name is Mike I'm 35 years old and I'm a new member to healingwell.I've been sick for 3 years battling this chronic illness.I feel like I need to talk to someone who is dealing with the similar...