OK, tough one: Should any mention be made of my condition during, say, a 2nd or 3rd job interview? Certainly not the type of thing you want to be talking about, especially in that situation, but I...
I see a holistic guy and he's made me feel much better both times. Find someone who knows the disease. They would never tell you to stop Western meds. And don't agonize about whether what's working...
Hey, just wondering what exactly happens when you've reached a point in a flare when you need to got o the ER or be admitted. I'm doing everything I'm supposed to as far as meds, supps, and...
I actually have some Asacol, but my new GI doesn't seem to be a big advocate of it. Yeah, nightly since about then. Every other or third night before that. My flare started in early/mid October for...
Yes, when I reach remission I taper to no meds eventually. I stay on probiotics, fish oil and other supplements, but that's it. I've had 3 flares, but I don't believe stopping meds had anything to do...
OK, over the holidays I moved from mild/moderate into severe flare. This means even if I drink water I gotta go - pretty much blood 6-8 times a day. Taking my meds/supplements, restricting the diet....
Yeah, I took a glucosamine/chondroitin supp. for 4 months for severe joint pain from Prednisone withdrawal. It worked, just took forever....
It was a virus. I had no D or vomiting. Just the weakness, body aching, and slight fever. But boy I need some help now getting back to where I was....
Well, I ate a ton the night I got the virus (was feeling fine). So by the time I was emptied out, it was gone and the flare was kicking strong. It pretty much went from formed to the typical...
I started mu annual flare this October, and was actually winning the battle this time around. I came prepared with supplements, meds, and a product my holistic doc gave me, and it worked! I was so...
Hey guys, I've been reading about seasonal affective disorder and depression (a.k.a. winter blues) and wondered if anyone had insight on this related to UC flares. I've shown symptoms of my third...
Hi, I noticed Sarita was also on the Crohn's forum & I really need some info. Can you guys go read my Post in the Crohn's forum titled "suddenly feel fine" Thanks - I was well informed when I...
Are there any artificial sweeteners in that? If not, I'll try it - Phazyme doesn't do squat for me. Have you tried Heather's Tummy Tamers? They're great - many uses. Relax your gut for overnight or...
I'm guessing you're reading Heather's book, which I've read. The soluble fiber method makes perfect sense, and works. I started to stabilize doing it, but like you, I fell off the wagon - hard. It's...
That's why I love this site - 9 minutes and I got answers. I should have known that, I just forgot because the pain is different than typical IBS gas/bloating pain, ya know? Phazyme is in hand....
This is for the fiber veterans. You know the horrible abdominal pain you get when you take too much fiber? I was bumping up my dosage. I'm either very fiber sensitive or this pure acacia is mean...
Bingo! It's on its way to my house. Thanks for letting me join your exclusive club....
Please Please pb4 - where can I get one? My M-in-law has IBS too & her b-day is in 3 weeks....
Great topic - I was just reading that 70% of IBS patients can, in fact, trace back to a specific stomach trauma. I found this surprising. It's very interesting to hear how different the stories are....
Started stabilizing on fiber, probiotics, peppermint tea, fennel, etc. Even had some solidity to my BM's for a couple days. Ate something I shouldn't have, and talk about a setback! It's been 3 weeks...
Anybody had luck with this stuff? I just started, and I know it takes time, but in the 2nd day it made my D worse. How can you put nothing in your body but soluble fiber foods, acacia, water and...
Anybody have canker sores in association with their IBS? What a kick in the teeth it is to not be able to enjoy what limited food I can eat. I first thought it was a new sensitivity to citrus foods...
I am (was) a healthy 33 yr old male. Athletic, la la la, etc. Around Thanksgiving I had an EXTREMELY stressful period & began having IBS symptoms (not knowing what was going on). Tons of gas,...