Hi Ladies, Yes I had it rough, but the hyst was worth it !! As for testing hormone levels...you should be seen by a Endocrinologist. But if you are on the BC Pill, the tests realy dont work. Some...
Yes I am on Hormone replacement. 0.05mg of Estrderm. I had my hyst on May 9th 2005 at the age of 39. Everything removed but my cervix. And Yes I have always had a hormone problem. It turned out I...
Thank you all so much for replying to me !! I do appriciate it !! About 2 years ago I was realy sick. My gastro doc sent me for constant tests to rule things out including a Colonoscopy. I was in...
HELP !! I know I have IBS-C. I tend to get constpated easily and the gas and the bloating...MY GOD /community/emoticons/mad.gif It is do depressing !!! /community/emoticons/sad.gif It has been...