Hi Shelly, That is exactly how my poop looks like and your routine also similar to mine. I had lose weight (10pounds)but I gained them back soon when I realized i wasn't suffering from any...
Hi Shelly, Wanted to add... how's the appearance of your poop as in shape and colour? For me it is just loose (not watery)and brown. Also do you get gurgling noise from your stomach and feels like...
Hi Shelly, Can't really recall when it started but I think it is at least for the past 6-7months it has been this way. Ironically for the past 1 week it seems to die down a bit...touch wood! I did...
Fellows IBS sufferers could your situation be triggered off by Anxiety? What are your anxiety or fear? I thought it would be interesting to know.......
Red flag symptoms which are NOT typical of IBS: pain that often awakens/interferes with sleep diarrhea that often awakens/interferes with sleep blood in your stool (visible or occult) weight loss...
I had it every morning just like you, and thereafter had a kind of feeling that it is not done yet and the need to go for 2nd round usually set in about 2hrs after the 1st. Are you having the same...
Hi Tucci, about green poop that you are experiencing, it could be due to intake on leafy green veg, please see below webpage about poop colour, http://www.heptune.com/poop.html Hope this help. Also I...
Thanks guy, that's really helpful info. I will try to monitor the intake and see which food group affect me most. Cheers!...
What sort of food that will trigger IBS? Does anyone have the list to share?...
Every morning and sometimes when Anxiety strikes during the day it will happens in middle of the night....
Hi Lazy, Thanks for the respond, are you getting it at the same area I described? Also which part of your hands swell?...
Do you anyone experiencing mild swollen feet with IBS? The exact swelling area is located just above the ankle on both feet? If not, can someone advise what maybe the cause of this swelling.......
HI lcr, My wife who is pregnant (29weeks) also complains about bloated stomach, will she be able to take fennel tea?...
Tigerprawn, Yes, I do as well. ALso during this gurgling I had a toilet rush feeling....
Hi Shelly, I can relate to almost everything you had experience in the morning (exactly the same for me), usually the build up will starts will passing alot of gas (Flatulence) and then like what you...
HI Sylvia, Like you I think i am a hypochondriacs. I am still not sure if I had IBS but I do get lower ab pain (Cramped like) and asscoiate with growling and rumbling noise, also passing a lot a gas...