Antsie, I have appreciated reading your messages and have been derelict in not answering your recommendation of Align. At this point after researching Align further I am going to continue my previous...
Antsie, thank you for your quick response. Regarding Align, I am not familiar with it. When I asked my medical people and pharmacist for recommendations for the best probiotic to try, Culturelle was...
Dear Antsie: Thank you for your message summarizing your situation and treatments. I hope the Welchol and Align will help you to improve or resolve your diarrhea problems. You asked for...
Dear Lil, Thank you for your reply and for starting a new thread for me. I appreciate your guidance. Regarding seeking medical guidance, I agree with you this is important and I have a good...
I am a new member and I have several questions regarding medications and their usage. Over the last couple of years I have gradually developed a problem with urgent diarrhea usually shortly after...