Mandy, No more channel 4 for you !!!!!! See what it did to you? /community/emoticons/nono.gif Just kidding hun, get better soon, we miss you. By the way, how's that tree doing in the backyard?...
Dad, What was your wife on before the Clonazepam? I'm sure its as Els mentioned and they are prescribing it to her to help ease her withdrawls from the other meds. Clonazepam is primarily a...
Angela, Have you been to a doctor for these symptoms? You might want to have your thyroid levels checked. Those were exactly my symptoms a couple of years ago and I assumed they were from either...
Deejane - As a fellow IBS member (with a family history of Crohns) I can totally relate. Do you notice any difference with certain foods? I also have a lactose intolerance, so milk is definitely out...