ok ladies I finally got the welchol the GI said no but the nurse practioner at my primary gave me samples. is calcium carbonate w/d the same as 1/2 of a caltrate d sorry don't mean to sound dumb also...
Thanks so much for your answers does the Gastroenterologist give me this or my primary what if I don't have high cholesterole. Thank you it will be a blessing to go out with my family to eat again. i...
HI you might want to start taking Magnesium Asporotate I started with 2 capsules every day now I hardly take them unless I get a headache but I hardly ever get migraines anymore. GYN is a naturalist...
Ok sorry, don't really know how this works gallbladder removed now have Diarrhea all the time very embarrassing any one have suggestions what to do afraid to eat anything don't even consider going...