Sarita: With my lack of appetite through all of this, I feel like it's been a combo of feeling sick (be it nausea or heartburn)/anxiety (but not pain). I wouldn't say I've lost a significant amount...
Hi, Princess. Thanks for replying. I actually saw a gastro today about my symptoms (one of which includes daily bouts of diarrhea) and he's thinking, after five weeks, it could be an infection that...
Hi again. First of all, a small update: I saw the doctor again recently and he is referring me to a gastro. I mentioned he had taken blood the previous time, but from the results he shared with me, I...
When I told my doctor I was having a diarrhea problem, he told me to eat yogurt and see if that helped. I wrote that on another board (after it didn't work) and someone suggested I get some Digestive...
Thank you both for replying. The further along this gets, the more I want to see a gastro. Unfortunately, at the moment, I'm waiting for blood test results (which seem to be taking forever) and also...
Hello. I am a 21 year old female looking for some answers regarding problems I've been having recently. But first, I'd just like to say I've been looking at this forum a lot in the past week or so...