Hi Yes I do. I watch my stools very closely. Totally weird I have trawled high and low for answers. Worms seem closest it was just the length, most places say you pass segments :(. I take regular...
Hi slight pain left rear flank. No blood for about 6weeks. I had sigmoidoscopy then. 2times with skin then another two times like small pieces. They've given me nothing said they don't know what it...
No my friend :). I've still not a clue....
Sorry what is mucosal lining and why did it come off? It wasn't slimy at all completely like plastic? Thanks again...
Thank you very much...
Insofla. Thank you for your advice I'm chasing it up now your opinion seems spot on so is mucous tough?...
Thank you both. It's so weird first day one clear piece cigar sized piece. Then a few pieces which were strong. And completely transparent....
It was definitely around 6 inches long as I picked it out of stool. I rinsed it off and tried to break it. As I said it was strong. I had a sigmoidoscopy around 6 weeks ago. Before all this is never...
Has anyone seen skin 6inches long average 1inch wide in a stool? I lifted it up with my hand pulled it was strong like plastic. But I don't eat plastic. Thanks in advance anyone....
Thank you for your reply. Yes I'm just very frightened and having anxiety/depression makes it worse sorry greatunclebill...
If there is anyone who may have an idea. Stupidly I have left this for a few weeks. I have had a pain in my left side only mild and I have just noticed frothy urine. Not a great deal but it's there...
Thank you Lanie I'll leave post just in case...
Hi before I post I just wondered does anyone answer in this forum Many thanks...
Have you found anyone Pauline?...