Hi I am new to the arthritis board. I normally post on Lupus because I was diagnosed with Sjogren's and poss MCTD in 2006. My question is should I ask my Rheumo about me possibly having rheumatoid...
Happy New Year Everyone! My resolution is to find a Rheumy that is compassionate, a good listener, and knowledgeable. Ok, my question lately I have been having a pressure type ache in my chest. It is...
Thanks for all the wonderful advice and well wishes. Ginny, I have taken zoloft. I wish I could take zoloft it worked for me when I was a teen. But now it like all other anti depressants causes me to...
Audrey and Pat, Thank you so much for you kind words of encouragement. I will look for the local lupus foundation for a support group. Also thank you for letting me know it is normal for me to feel...
Hippimom you are right I will also try to be thankful that I am not worse off! Thanks for the inspiration Feel better soon -Kasey...
Hey everyone, I seem to only post when in dispair sorry about that! Ok so have sjogren's and poss. Lupus, chronic back pain(degen. disc disease). I am so frustrated with my body I used to be able to...
My meds have not changed in at least 2 months. I tried Plaquenil but I was still working then and I could not function mentally on it. I am on my 4th Rheumy now. Unforchanetly I am in uninsured Limbo...
I was happy to read Sarlynn's post about twitching. Because I do this but much more severe. My head shacks upper body jerks forward arms and hand shake this has gone on for years from time to time...
OK this is my issue I have had back pain since 2000. I have been diagnosed with a slipped disc in lumbar and bulging disc in cerival spine, narrowing C4-C6? also have degenerative disc disease in...
I had to lay flat for one hour. When you get home lay flat on your back for the next 8 hours they may tell you that before they do the lumbar puncture. My back did not bother me at all. If you wake...
After seeing Rheumy last week and she said I do not have the soreness in the trigger points to allow her to diagnose me with fibro. But with normal labs again and so much wide spread pain she wanted...
I had one last month it was not as bad as I thought it would be. But, after your lumbar puncture make sure to drink alot of water and caffiene to prevent a lumbar headache. If you do begin to have a...
The prozac helps a little. But I am so sensitive to medication they would like to give me more but my body freaks out. The reason is my previous Psych. doc had me on wellbutrin XR for years and it...
Has your doctor ever considered polycystic ovarian syndrome. PCOS causes missed periods, weight gain in the stomach area, and the sores you are describing. It will also cause people to be insulin...
Thank you Catzz I will do that. I have finally found a professional, well educated, and compassionate Rheumy so I will stick with her. My first Rheumy was like her but he was so busy that if I became...
Ann, I am having the same issue with labs. It just makes me want to scream. So I understand the extreme frustration. I had positive labs in 2005 but normal since and I feel worse than I did when the...
This is what my old labs done 10/20/05 and 12/28/05 were: ANA 1:1280 Pattern: Homo reference for the 3 ENA is <20 ENA RNP: 57-MCTD ENA SSA: 123 ENA SSB: 41 Starting Mid-2006 labs all normal. They...
For the last year I have had tingling sensations ranging from a single electric shock in arm pit and arms, to large areas of pins and needles mainly feet, hands, top of head, and back of my neck....
Carol, I took a short round of prednisone last week. My PCP gave me a 5 day round of it because she was frustrated by my unexplained fever for 2 weeks straight ranging from 99.5-102. When she could...
I hope someone can answer some questions for me. First a little back story positive ANA, SSA, SSB, and MCTD antibodies 10/05-1/07. All labs negative ever since. Having to change PCP due to PCP thinks...
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! to everyone that responded. I am sorry we all have to go through this to get medical care but it is good to hear others have doubted themselves before. I was feeling...
Just a little back story for those that have not read my previous post. Dx '05 w/ MCTD and sjogren's for the last year my labs have been normal. But I have had body aches, low grade fever, abd pain,...
Sue, Thank you so much for your encouragement. I am so happy that I am not alone in my extreme frustration. I know most everyone here has had to deal with this and even knowing that I still sometimes...
Ginny, The pain is strange it is everywhere from my waist up. Stomach, back, shoulders, arms, head, neck it is strange because it is like a bruise everywhere. Even my bra is hurting my back. It is...
Welcome Heartsong! I also have MCTD this is a great place to be. I have been given lots of advice from the wonderful people here. Due to the fact that autoimmune diseases are so frustrating to...
OK this is a doctor horror story and an update. Well started with sudden blurred vision had lumbar puncture, 2 blood patches for leaking lumbar puncture, MRI of head with and without contrast, MRA...
Frank, My doc put me on 50,000 iu of Vitamin D for 8 weeks and it made such a differance in how I felt. I could not believe the improvement. My problem was once levels were normal she had me take...
Ginny, This is the strange part I forgot to mention Neither Tylenol or Motrin will take this fever down below 99.5. The strangest part is at 3pm today I took some tylenol fever was 99.8 but really...
Thanks for the advice I think I will call my PCP Monday and start there. If it rises what temp should I visit the ER? Of course I have had enough of hospitals for a lifetime. I Know with healthy...
Hi everyone Thanks to the advice from my last post. I followed the advice and saw a new Rheumy and she is much more thorough than the last one. My concern is that I have ran a fever everyday since...
Hippimom, My current rheumy has seen all labs done by my old rheumy anyone with common sense would look at my previous labs but this Rheumy seems to act put out everytime I am in there. You would...
Thanks for your advise and the answer to your question is yes I was positive for sjogren's and MCTD antibodies but of course all that was done with my first Rheumo doc in '06 I am not sure what my...
Hi everyone it has been a while since I was here. So this is the issue. Started seeing new Rheumo doc a year ago and since seeing her my ANA has been negative. My first Rheumo doc did my ANA every...
Yes she is continueing to treat me. She actually was very surprised by the labs. She wants to redraw them in 4 weeks but a differant lab....
Hi Babs, All they gave me a year ago was a low dose of steriods. The low dose was because I was persistant about not taking steriods and the low dose was a compromise. It did help a little. Thanks,...
Thanks Carol My Rheum is giving me Mobic for anti inflammitory and trazadone to help me get good sleep and help with aches and pains and a rx strength vitamin D. I am a little less frustrated now...
First off thanks to everyone who responded to my previous post. Second I need a smiley face pulling his hair out!! /community/emoticons/sad.gif I went to the Rheum today to get my lab results. This...
Thanks so much for the link. I love the line of the spoon theory that says how can I explain to her what I haven't even been able to explain to myself. I have been looking for words to express to my...
Hi everyone, I am new to the site and I am so happy I have found you!! I was always worried if I joined in on a support group or a chat forum I would see people with severe forms of the same...