Steph I also have the Lupus Anticoagulant. What that has meant for me is that I have had multiple miscarriages and I threw a small clot in my liver. I have never had a stroke but I have only had it...
Okie I itch at night when I take my percocet. There no rash I am just itchy. When I started taking it, I didn't have that problem, it developed. See if you've changed any meds. Hope I have helped....
Hi I have lupus and have epilepsy. I usually have grand mal siezures but I have had other types too. I have also under stress had small periods of amnesia and anxiety attacks in which I blank out....
Hi there You know I take temperatures all day long hardly anyone runs 98.6. I myself run 97.4 but when I am flaring I run 98-99. Everyone has a baseline and when that baseline changes and you feel...
Hi I just finished a prednisone taper just like the one you described. I took each daily dose all at once after a meal (Lunch). Prednisone can make your stomach upset. It actually helped me alot even...
Hi I'm Candace. I have the antiphospholipid antibodies but I don't know what the exact levels are. I have had a lot of problems with pregnancies and I have to be heparinized. I usually take a low...
Hi My name is Candace I am 30 and have had four pregnancy losses. The first three I didn't know I had Antiphospholipid Antibodies so the pregnancies never got past 11 weeks. The insurance will only...