Thanks Ginny Kiki...
Have any of you been diagnosed with fibro and then be diagnosed with Lupus? I've been going through the fibro thing for years and have all the symptons of Lupus, except for a rash. Would love to hear...
WoW. The tonsil thing. I had tonsilitis my entire child life. At 23 I finally had them out due to the fact that I was missing so much work. I was in bed for nearly 3 weeks. No more sore throats until...
My rheumy pretty much focusing on the fibro. Always running ANA labs and thyroid labs also. I'm going to make an appt tomorrow and get more aggressive with him. All my medical problems starting about...
Thank you. I'll keep checking bad. Happy New Year to everyone! KIKI...
My ANA ran false positive for about 10 years. Although I had most of the symptons of Lupus I was never diagnosed. I've never had the face rash, although that doesn't have to be there. Have you been...
/community/emoticons/confused.gif Hi, I'm new to this forum. I have had firbromyalgia for about 13 years now. I also have a very bad knee. Had surgery twice. Have had a hysterectomy, a lot of...