Dear Ginny: I am so, so very sorry for your loss. I know the pain and emptiness of it. When I lost Mitzi Cricket to liver cancer, I could not bear to even think of another cat for a solid year. When...
Dear Ginny: It's so painful when our cats are seriously ill. I do hope that Willow will recover and resume her place as companion and footwarmer. <: Is she eating? Even just a little? Try a bit of...
Hi, all: Thank you for your patience with my questions. I really appreciate all who have responded previously. Last year I went to a center of excellence for a diagnostic, which turned out to be...
I just called my primary's office this morning to see if they could give me the results from Monday's test. The receptionist took my info, confirmed the test date, and then, instead of giving me the...
Hi, Nurse2: Forgive my asking the obvious, but have you been checked for B12 and iron deficiency anemia? My hair was falling out copiously and, even if I merely touched it, that was all it took for...
Dear Jason: Welcome. My brother and I were also together at college and we have always been very close, so I know how difficult your sister's illness is for you, how difficult it is to concentrate on...
Great news! Dipstick this morning was normal. <: My primary is out of town until the end of this week, but if I was normal today, it's reasonable to assume that I was normal yesterday..... If...
Dear Amy, Judy, and Donna: Many thanks for responding and for your advice, sharing of information, and suggestions. I redid the test this morning and will again tomorrow morning. Perhaps tomorrow the...
Hi, all: Well, life is becoming ever more interesting. Now, in addition to my 1:1280 ANA and ongoing treatment for anemia, hematuria showed up at my annual physical (and not due to infection). That's...
Many thanks for all of the responses. Clearly, everyone is different, and I thank all who took the time to respond and share their story. My ANA went from 1:320 last spring when I was anemic to...
Hi, All: Earlier, I posted that I have a high ANA (1:1280) and no symptoms. Actually, I'm rethinking that now. I have what may be a malar rash (bubblegum pink) that spreads across my cheeks when I am...
I have significant vision damage in one eye as well and I have already told my doctors that if medication becomes necessary, steroids and antimalarials (Plaquenil at least) are out of the question. I...
Hi, Marji: Many thanks for sharing in such detail. I'll be seeing my hematologist tomorrow, so perhaps he'll have more news per any of the other test results... or perhaps suggest more testing. My...
Hi, all: I am new here and have a quick question. Last spring I was diagnosed with B12 and iron deficiency anemia with an ANA of 320. I am still in treatment and the anemia has resolved. However, now...