Thanks Robyn for your reply. I'm still not sure of what to do, but I'm leaning on not doing it, sounds too risky for me, although I don't like taking so much Prednisone (60 mg) and Imuran (100 mg)....
Hello everyone, it's been a while since I've posted anything. I have dermatomyositis and my rheumy wants me to get this new medication treatment, it's called Rituxan. I want to know if anyone else...
Thank you all for responding to me. All of this is new to me, and I feel kind of lost. I've never been ill, or sick, just colds and that sort of thing, so, I'm not good with medicine. I tried...
I was diagnosed with lupus two months ago, but I think I've had it for over a year and was not properly diagnosed. I've had terrible headaches that start in the back of my neck. I can't sleep on my...