Ladies ~ I have a question about prednisone menstrual cycle.... My last cycle was in January of 2011. Then in early February, my Lupus flared up big time and my rheummy put me on 40mg of prednisone...
I'm not but my rheummy told me once my flare is under control, I am a good candidate for it. Not too fond of it being an IV thing but if it helps, who cares! Keep us posted how you are doing on this...
Hello everyone! I am looking for a way to start back in walking again. My prednisone is making my eating habit so whacked out! I am currently on Plaquenil, Prednisone and Cellcept. I have been...
Thanks Lynn.... I will just step up with the water and motor on with life! :)...
Does anyone have the 'pins and needles' feeling in their feet (both or one)? I have told my Rhuemmy about it and he says it sounds like part of lupus but to keep an eye on it. I have adapted to this...
Thanks Lovely Ladies! I know the Internet has oodles of info on Plaquenil. I just found it odd that The Pill Book didn't have it and the generic....
Morning to everyone! I bought the latest edition of The Pill Book so that I can have a reference guide of what my Rhuemmy is prescribing for me. Currently, I am on 40mg Prednisone, 500mg Cellcept and...