I have severe fatigue and knee pains and finger tingling/pains, neck pain. I gt my blood work and everything was normal except ANA 1:640 with homogeneous and skepled patterns. Could this be related...
Do people die with SLE if left untreated? What are the worst complications of SLE? I fear because Im 26 M and plan to get married this year. My Gf is worried and would like to now more about it. i...
i want to see a Rheumy, but my primary Dr doesn't want to refer me to a Rheumy. I am on HMO and i have to go through my primary for any referral to a specialist. Is there a way where i can see a...
Hello, I am in lot of confusion and anxiety. I dont understand what these results mean. I have been complaining about pain in my neck behind the right ear , on my right cheek bone, and tright temple...