Hi Lanie, I just got off the phone with my son's pediatrician. She is giving me a referral to a pediatric endocrinologist. She felt that since he was active, not overweight and his levels went back...
Thank you Lanie. Yes, he is only 70 pounds. My issue with his doctors is that it is a practice where you see who is available even though we have a primary care with the practice. I have insurance...
Hello All, My son is 11 and is 70 pounds. He has had four A1C test and three have come back elevated in this order; 5.8, 6.1, 5.4 and 5.7. What does this mean? Is he pre-diabetic? Doctor is on a wait...
Hello All, So my son went for another blood test for his high A1C levels. Just to recap it went from a 5.7 to a 6.1 in three months. We did the blood test today. Waiting on results but doc said if...
Thanks for responding Lanie. He just got out of the hospital after a severe asthma attack. The only mess he is on is Albuterol and Flovent. He is feeling well but he does not eat well. He is very...
Hello all, My 10 yr old son had blood work done in May 2014, his A1C was 5.7. His doc redid blood work a week ago and his A1C levels were 6.1. He is not over weight, in fCt his on the smaller end of...
Couchtater, The pain starts right above my knee. It is not near my back....
Hi all. It has been a while since I posted. Question, I have been having this deep throbbing pain in my right lower thigh all the way down to mid-calf. It has been happening for about a week and a...
Hi everyone, I woke up three days ago with pain in my left arm. I originally thought I slept wrong on my arm but the pain is not going away. I have tingling in the arm sometimes and I can not put any...
Hi guys I wanted to give you an update. I saw my doctor yesterday and she said she did not change my status and that my glucose has been normal or borderline the last couple of years. So she did all...
Hi everyone. I would but my first massage yesterday. it was really great. I got a great massage therapist name Tara we had a conversation about my trigger points in the paint that I had and I think...
Happy New Year everyone, For Christmas my husband got me a membership to Massage Evy Spa for a year. I am hoping this will help with my fibro. Has anyone else gotten relief from continually massage...
Hi Lanier, What's funny is that I can not see any of my test results but when I log in to check my 9 year olds records all of his blood work is shown. I am making an appointment with doc today....
Hi Will, The hospital that my doctor is associated with has gone to an online system. When I log in it will show me all my appointment summaries. Under that it shows everything that a person has been...
Joy is yours inside your nose? How can you see the split? I don't see my doctor again until Jan. Should I wait or call to ask for an antibiotic? Every time I have an appointment my nose ulcer or...
Hi all when you get a nose ulcer is your nose real dry inside and painful in that one spot? My nose has been very sore for two weeks and dry. I think I have an ulcer in the corner of my nose....
Hi Everyone, Not sure if I have asked this here before. I have been on Healing Well on the Lupus page (not diagnosed but receiving treatment). I was looking through my medical records and saw...
Hello Pepper, I was diagnosed with IgA about two years ago. I also have some other type of auto immune issue. Have you seen a Rhumey yet? If not I suggest you get a referral. Your symptoms may or may...
Hi Everyone. I am currently seeing a Rhumey for something autoimmune (lupus-like but no diagnosis). I have psoriasis of the scalp and for years I always had dryness of the vagina during sex. Never...
Hi Joy, Mine itches only. It is still spreading but the doc gave me some topical gels and creams and they are working. Connie...
Hi everyone, Well I went to dermatologist and she diagnosed me with pityrasis rosea. Has anyone else experienced this? I am happy to know what it is but it is a SOB to deal with. Not contagious but I...
I have never had a reaction to sun or UV lights. Last weekend I did go to a ranch in NY and did a lot of outside activity and the rash came as soon as I got home. I am using benadryl now and I have...
Hi Everyone, I have developed a rash on my chest, sides, back and top of thighs. It is small red bumps that itch. I went to the ER and they basically gave me claritin and Hydracortozone cream. I am...
Hi everyone, I know you all can relate so I came here to vent just a little. With no def. diagnosis yet of Lupus, I was able to access my medical records online (except my labs), I see that my Rhuemy...
Thank you Couchtater. I am not sure what number I am suppose to look at. One says 65% and another say 41%....
Hi Everyone, I just got the results of my Pulmonary Function Test and everything was normal except it said that I have moderately reduced diffused capacity. Can anyone tell me what this means? Are my...
AubreyBear, I have not had that specific hearing issue. I have had my hearing in one ear sound muted and then I hear I high pitched ringing in my ear. It only last for about 2 minutes and then goes...
Well my rheumy started me on Plaquenil back in Jan./Feb., I started feeling great (no pains, no fatigue, no headaches) and stopped taking the medicine. Now my body is feeling horrible and I have to...
I have had two large bumps in my right nostril in the last two months. They don't hurt unless I try to touch it but they seemed to pop easy. Do they look like whiteheads sometimes?...
How do you tell if you have an ulcer in your nose or a pimple?...
I am in MD and we are getting ready for the storm that is coming up from GA. This has been a long winter....
Hi all, Doc started me on flexeril along with continuing plaquenil. I take 10mg at night. I know it takes time to build up but I really want to sleep through the night right ow without waking up from...
Thank you all for your responses. We went to see PCD and we agreed there needed to be more testing and she is running the test for ANA and all the auto-immune stuff. She said that if anything comes...
Thanks guys, I will ask his PCP to send us to pediatric Rheumy. He is scheduled to go to Children's Hospital Pain Medicine Clinic on Friday. Thanks again....
Guys this is not a lupus question but I wanted your opinion since you have been so helpful. For the last year almost my 8 yr old has been have migraines off and on with sometimes 3 months in between...
Thanks for the responses. I am going to talk to my doc. I am think along the same lines as you Bill....
I have extremely cold fingers and toes, mainly at the tips. I have never noticed any discoloration. Does Raynauds always involve discoloration? Connie...
Only a month and half. The fatigue is so much better in the mornings. I don't wake up feeling tired anymore but it comes down on me around 5 pm. Just happy to get some relief....
Hello everyone, I wanted to share that I have seen improvement in my morning fatigue and stiffness since starting Plaquenil about a month and a half ago. I still get very fatigued around 5 pm but am...
For about a month I have had very bad pains in my wrist. They feel very weak. I can not open a fruit snack package for my children or open a bottle. They are not numb just really weak. My index...
Thank you both. Luck for me that my husband is off tonight and tomorrow night so he handles the kids when he is off to let me rest....
Well just when I was getting into my restful sleep last night, my 8 year old woke me up at 11:30 pm to tell me that my 5 year old woke him up to play the Kindle. Well of course I could not go back to...
How do you know the difference between a headache and head pressure?...
Great News my heart looks great everything normal. The only thing that came back is called Trivial mitral and tricuspid regurgitation and trivial pulmonic insufficiency. From what I have read I...
That episode only happened once but I still have throbbing in tingling in my arm....
I have had two positive ANA test and that is it. All other blood work comes back normal except slightly high sed rate once but that was when my kidneys first starting acting up and I had swelling in...
Hi Guys, Happy New Years to everyone. I was reviewing my health records from my Nephrologist and he diagnosed me with SLE along with my Kidney Disease (IgA nephropathy). Well if he diagnosed me with...
My Rhuemy prefers Lab Corp. She said the way that they do the ANA testing (florescent) is more accurate than Quest. I can say from my lab work using Lab Corp my ANA has been positive and using Quest...
Thanks for the replies. It really scared me because my arm got hot, swollen and hard for about an hour after it happened. I wrote it down to talk to my doctor about....
No not on prednisone at this time. I really scared me because my arm was hot, swollen and felt hard afterwards....