Has anyone out there figured out how to deal with anemia? My hemoglobin is 10.1 (up from 9.0 2 months ago) I'm taking iron supplement, eating well, exercising when I can....
Bill, You make perfect sense. One of my problems is that this happened so quickly and unexpectedly. Nov 9, 2015 I went in for routine TURP surgery (uneventful & successful), went home & returned to...
Bill, Thanks for the encouragement. Sounds like you got hit much worse than I did. Guess I'm not patient enough. It's been 9 months and much improvement but still not stable. I still feel terrible...
Couch, I try to stay out of the sun. Haven't seen a correlation but I'll stay alert... Lynn, I'll keep watching for a pattern. Kidney numbers are pretty good Creatinine - 1.28 mg/dl GFR - 55, low,...
Besides feeling tired and needing a nap are there symptoms that indicate I've over done? Used to do 4 or 5 sprint triathlons a year. Now I tire too quickly to even consider one. It seems that the...
Littleflower, 97 percent of those with lupus will have a positive ANA test. (http://www.lupus.org/answers/entry/lupus-tests) Have you had one?...
Thanks Tinkerbee.. Items 1, 2 & 3 relate to me.I'll talk to the rheumatologist about switching to something else....
What's the deal with food & lupus? Are some bad for lupus? I've read to avoid alfalfa sprouts but are there more? Are any foods particularly beneficial?...