i have a fever everyday also.up and down all day long.its the same thing i lay down not too bad but the minute i do anything it goes up.it really pisses me off.its hard to live like that.i hope you...
i took darvacet for many yrs for pain.but my pain level has skyrocketed and i started going to a pain clinic and i take something different now.i am alittle concerned that its not from your doc.but i...
i too have lost alot of hair.i used to have beautiful thick blonde hair.now i have very thin hair.its very hard to lose your hair.but im sure you are a beautful woman.i do know that it does grow back...
i was taking plaquinal for 10 yrs and in the begining i felt a differnce.ive been off it for 3 weeks now and dont notice a difference.not sure if i will be going back on it.hope that helps you .oh i...
i dont think seeing a reumy would hurt.maybe you will get some answers.and thats always a good thing.good luck hugs to you marie...
my secret to mri"s .i always wear a sleep mask.the ones you get from the drug store.they help me get through them i hope this helps you.good luck...
woke up with pain in left hip .its pinching thats the best way to explain it.not sure what it can be .but i hope it goes away very soon.i want to paint my rocking chairs this weekend .i wont be able...