Hi popnannersx3 from what i recall igg is usually lyme infection after a long period anything over 90 days I believe 41 band is very common in this but you need 3 or 5 bands to be cdc positive ther...
Hi Moderator I also believe this whole lyme issue is unexplored territory for most MD's and they are human just like us . I know of one doctor that had this to a very severe degree and has taken...
Hi Kim The Guy that runs the support group's name is Dave . He was originally from ct and came to speak at the meeting in laconia . His daughter had very bad nuerological lyme in her early teens and...
Hi Leslie, I saw your post about the insurance denial . Sometimes from what I hear your prescript ion plan is seperate from your medical so I would maybe explore that further. There is a group in Ca...
Hi Kim I am glad they decided to do the Rochephin for you again . Maybe you could let me know how it works with ordering it from your prescript ion plan . It is awful that you may have been...
Hi Gracies Mom I am sorry to hear your daughter is having to go through all of this . It makes me feel guilty to feel the depression I do when I hear of a child going through this awful disease. If...
Hi Kpt812 I am sorry to hear you are doing so poorly . I can recall a bout with the Bart now almost 20 years ago after seeing some pictures and the doctors calling it excema which I knew it probably...
Hi Kpt812 Sorry I haven't been online for long time. My Mri for my back came back with multiple degenerative dics in my neck and lower back One bulging in my neck I went to the nuerologist and he...