Both Docs E and S are great and have extensive experience in treating lyme. Dr S has been treating longer and is very successful, my recollection is that Dr S used to be one of the most aggressive...
I once had a 17 y/o pt in Ct that was being treated for neuro-psychiatric LD. He apparently presented initially with seizure-like activity and was seen hacking ice in his yard with a pick axe. He...
Martha, I'm confused. I came across the following quote in one of your entries from November. "I have done half of my therapy and now they are upping everything on me as of next week. I am going to...
Sam Donta, MD Boston, I think....
Martha says.. "Slight correction. The lyme bacteria re produce every 28 days. And most of them do not hang out in the blood stream. They go deep into body tissue and organs." -- Actually, you are...
I believe ANA can be elevated due to inflamation. My daughter had an elevated ANA with a speckled pattern when she was 5. Pediatrician suspected Lupus, which she of course did not. Was dx lyme,...
Dear everyone... MANY, MANY PEOPLE GET BETTER!! Take it from me. People DO get well and antibiotics DO work. That's not to say that alot of the "other stuff" doesn't help. One of the biggest problems...
As a recovered Lyme patient and former coordinator of the Lyme Care Center in NJ, I have been fortunate to have known many of the leading Lyme literate physicians in the NE. Both of my children were...