I am reposting this msg I received from another lyme group.. Everyone in PA we need your help to get this bill passed. See below --------------------------------------- Please.... anyone and everyone...
Razzle that is interesting about adding complex carbs.........I dont eat many carbs and wonder if that is what is going on here. I eat green beans, brown rice and peas...but not much else. Would a GI...
thanks nefferdun... I hope I do too. for now I will remain a medical mystery....
Hello, brief history in 2006 i was put on armour thyroid 15mg once in the morning....my temps went up ,...my CD57 went from a 10-42 LLMD said because of the increase in body temp lyme did not like...
Thanks Cajungrl.... I will make a new thread for my thyroid results so it wont get burried. I have negative thyroid antibodies- been tested 10 times so far The Sjogrens- the reumatologist I saw said...
I posted this on LN a month ago but didnt get many replies...thought I might try over here. I have had the below symptoms that vary in intensity throughout the month...i flare more when estrogen is...
thank you strong mom. It isnt often we get a lot of press in this area....even though we live in a endemic area. thanks again....
FYI -- The Philadelphia Daily News wrote a short article on the Under Our Skin screening in Bryn Mawr tomorrow night (9/29, 7:30pm), 824 W. Lancaster Avenue, Bryn Mawr, PA, 19010. Dr. C was...
It is in Bryn Mawr, PA. ALone- are you near there? Tickbattler- we should try and meet up....
Anyone planning on going?...
I received this via email . It is official! The Bryn Mawr Film Institute will be screening Under Our Skin on 9/29, at 7:30pm -- this is a big theater -- 350 seats -- we would love to fill them all!!...
Has anyone who is treating with RK heard any news about the her views on the findings at fry labs?...
I think we could mention IC dr names on here as they dont treat lyme....or am I wrong. Dr M is one of the Pioneers of IC....I think last I heard him speak via the internet he was using Lidocaine...
Does anyone know if this bug could possilby cause bladder symptoms? I find it interesting that I was swimming in a lake prior to getting sick. thanks snake for this info :-)...
nefferdun- interesting about Ketek....I was able to ask Dr B about IC at one of his conferences and he said Ketek works for the bladder.....has something to do with the acidic environment in the...
Count me in for this too. I use the IC diet....and also take prelief before anything I think might case me an IC flareup. I have also heard that bartonella or CPN can be the cause to IC. I am...
Delco, PA for me. I parked under a tree and they got into my car....
What is everyone's names on the new site?...
Thanks! I checked the bag, and it says Gluten free. Im going to ask my Dr. It seems I remember reading that some people dont have the enzymes needed to digest the rice. I dont know....
Has anyone had trouble digesting rice. My body just doesnt digest it, it goes in the same way it comes out. This is basmati brown rice....the one you cook for 40 minutes, NOT instant rice. My stomach...