I found that diet helps the bladder problem tremendously. I was in such pain, with blood in urine. I cut out all citrus, caffeine, chocolate, sodas especially diet drinks. Cranberry juice is too acid...
Nutramedix will provide 6 months free Cowden protocol to one patient per doctor if the doctor applies for it...
I'm still using the old Nutramedix herbs along with the new condensed protocol. They give you one infused bottle of each of the antimicrobials (ie: Samento) and when you are nearly finished with the...
Its importent to take the Cowden protocol according to the schedule they give you from Nutramedix. You really need to take the detox herbs to help with herx reactions. Taking extra burbur really...
The Cowden protocol has changed and evolved over the years. The new condensed protocol uses more potent forms of the herbs that have been "infused". It also uses the serrapeptase and some different...
Its the protocol by Dr Lee Cowden - you can look it up on Nutramedix website. He claims to be getting 70% to 90% success rates. It involves rotating herbals samento, cumanda, quina, mora and...
The condensed version of dr. Cowden's protocol can be found on the Nutramedix website. Its condensed because now you can take the herbs 4x day instead of 8x as previously done, and yet its having a...
Has anybody completed at least six months of the new Cowden condensed protocol? I'm taking it now and would love to hear from others who are/were on it....
I have been taking the new condensed Cowden protocol for about a month. I'm getting six months of it for free through Nutramedix. They will provide one patient per doctor with six months free...