I haven't looked intoshort term, will do tonight thanx,...yes he has babesia, rocky mountain spotted fever, and 2 others i cannot remember right now...it's a ***** of a disease isn't it?!...
My husband is all ready to get his PICC, but will not be able to work because he is an excavator. SO Cobra coverage is our only go, anyone else like to contribute from their own lyme financial mess?...
Thanx for your posts...my sister had a picc in for 18 days, had an almost deadly allergic reaction to what they still aren't sure. maybe the oral zithro, or the rocephin, or maybe the plastic. She...
my husband tested intermediate through the full lyme panel. he was positive for only 3 bands and questionable for a fourth. He then had lab work sent to stony brook in ny. They came back with a...
Thank you for your response. Even in your state, you took the time for me and my family. It means so much. We do not have any details as to how this is all going to go down...it seems it is all about...
Yep...get on your antibiotics now. 31 days atleast. If it is doxy do not take the side effect of sun exposure lightly....do not take any information about any drug any doctor or anything about lyme...
How often did you have the dressings changed, vitals taken, and bloodwork? [color=#0000ff> [color=#0000ff> "I don't know honey, but mommy will be sure to ask God that question when I get to...