Hi everyone, I spoke to the people at the lab about setting up some sort of test-shedule and they informed me that they are no longer testing on saliva since there's too much interference from...
I read somewhere that the salt only attacks the bad "gram-negative bacteria" but leaves the rest intact. But hey I don't know what it's based upon though. I think carp enthusiasts use salt to treat...
Hey Korissa, I heard/read somewhere that it's men between the ages of 30 and 40 that are most likely to get it/to develop symptoms. Yet that it's unclear whether these statistics show up because of...
Hey Nicky-D, Thanx for the tips. Yeah I know a puncture is not reliable at all, I read 30% detection rates somewhere but it's still low. Besides I don't like the thought of it at all :) As for the...
Hey everyone, Part of me is also inclined to think that the body can cure itself. I'm trying to keep that in (my)mind. Also I read somewhere that people with mercury fillings are more likely to...
Do you really think that lot's of us are carrying the bacteria in our system? I presume you are referring to the possible other vectors carrying the bacteria?...
I have used with the "guidelines" from the german website. Borreliose abhilfe. I started because my muscle fasculations got so bad it totally drove me nuts. I used natural himalayan salt because the...
Hey everyone, Muscle twitches are Bartonella? And here I was thinking my 30 day course of oral doxi had failed and the Borrelia reached my central nervous system. I haven't tested my spinal fluid yet...
Hey everybody. So I had my blood values checked again using an Elisa(always at the same lab for reliability) after also testing to check the values in February 2009. I still have some creaking joints...
Edit: I spoke to the people at the lab and they actually haven't had any positives with either the saliva PCR or the semen PCR, which it turns out they also offer. Not many people are taking these...
Hey everyone, So I started this thread with the purpose of getting a dialogue going on the possible human to human transmission of Lyme(Borrelia) and specifically kissing, since I was thinking I can...
Oh and I accidentily deleted my post before Rottendogs last one. It said that I feel it won't be long before the Lyme bubble will burst and much more will which is now still unclear will come out...
Hello everyone, I got a "scientific" opinion from a very helpful member of the Australian LymeOz community. This lady says that kissing a girl should be safe because and I quote: "Although Bb does...
Yep had m too. Never had it before I got bit by a tick and got Lyme. Ofcourse my doc cannot explain it. I tested vitamin B a couple of times and never had a deficiency. I usually get one after I...
Yeah this all sounds very encouraging indeed. /community/emoticons/shocked.gif The question remains: why don't more people know these facts? Or better yet: why doesn't anyone know that there are...
Hey Goodoldtimes and others reading this, Thanx for your input. So yes I also think research should be done even if it's only to exclude the possibilty and to get rid of all those panicky posters ;)...
Hi everyone, My name is Chasz from the Netherlands. Ive been bitten by a tick last year and started 30 days of oral doxi 200 mg for 30 days in the 5th week after being bitten and the 2nd week after...