I was recently diagnosed with hashimoto's disease; antibodies present (360) and TSH of 5.89. I started medication 6 weeks ago and my TSH is now 2.5. In January, after a year of being sick and going...
Hi, I picked up my labs from 2yrs ago. My TSH was 3.1 and my cholesterol was 196 now. TSH 5.8 and cholesterol is 209. The ultra sound of thyroid report from 3/2010 reports; thyroid size is upper...
Greetings, New to forum and I was hoping I could get some feedback on my thyroid, symptoms, tests and the possibility the Endo I see next week will start me on medication. I am thankful for any...
I had a 4 hour, gastric emptying study done on Saturday. The radiologist served up some eggs and toast and the eggs had a contrast die. Every hour they would take images to determine how much the...
Hi, Thanks for the advice; I am finding that I'm learning what foods I can tolerate. Foods that focus on the slow stomach seem to be the best for me now. I did have a banana for breakfast today and...
A few years ago I was diagnosed with a slow stomach, after a few months of treatment the symptoms cleared up until about 6 months ago. Now I have a constant fullness after meals, frequent burping,...
It's hard to know with Chronic Lyme when it was acquired. Maybe at birth or as an infant. My daughter had many of the symptoms your son has...4 sets of tubes by the age of 4, always sick but when she...
Hi bucci, Not sure about Em's IQ, we had a bunch of testing done over the years and she is above average but not off the charts. She is bright and picks up stuff quickly but my concern is there are...
It's been 3 years since Emily stopped abx treatment for chronic lyme and about 2 with alternative approaches. I think she had lyme for years and had been sick all the time (since an infant). She had...
Our bp, 18 yr daughter has been very stable for over a year now and has been able to go off to College. She is staying on her meds and even working part-time. Overall it's been a good phase in her...
Yes, Emily had behavior issues from a very early age. At age 4 a doctor wanted to give meds for ADHD--we held off did got a behaviorist in preschool / preK. Lots of test. Phospitalization in 6th...
Yes. When Emily was diagnosed with Lyme, I also had her sister tested because she had been having a lot neck and some joint pain. Our LLMD ran blood work and unlike Emily her test came back negative...
Well it's been over a year very since I've posted. Emily began getting sick 6 years ago and it took 2 years to get the diagnosis of Lyme. Found a LLMD and over a year of treatment. Emily was home...
Greetings, My 17yr old, DD diagnosed w/ BP at 13 has been suffering with headaches. They seem to be worse during times when school are in session but she is getting them several times a week. Last...
I looked Prima Vera HS on line and it looks like it is for AZ residents. Are you in AZ--we're not. thanks, Sue...
Hi, I don't know anything about VT, but when my daughter is not stable she craves sweets and carbs. Yes, it is very unhealthy and I try not to ever have it in the house but of course there are lots...
Hi Caren, We have a meeting w/ my daughters HS on Monday to setup plans for the summer and next year--should be a senior. She also hasn't been able to cope with HS and we're worried about...
I've been talking to her t-doc today and he is seeing her tonight, he said he is going to call her p-doc and talk to her about changing her meds this afternoon. We did see the p-doc a few weeks ago...
My 17yr daughter has been diagnosed w/ BP since she was 13. She is experiencing extreme anxiety; rapid heart rate hpyerventilating, stomach upset and school phobia. Been through lots of test to rule...
Thanks everyone for your support, I'm going to the store to get some cards for us to send down today--maybe some pictures for her room. Her husband mentioned that her psychologist said she maybe...
My older sister (in her 50s) tried to kill herself with an OD Thursday night. Her son found her and she has been under 24 hr. watch at the hospital since then. She is psychotic and very depressed....