Hi, I read alot online about the 3 stages of Lyme. I'm getting conflicting info on what stage I have. I was diagnosed and started treatment 3 weeks to the day after my bite. My symptoms were:...
Hi! Well, three weeks after a tick bite, I got the following symptoms: 1. fever 2. very stiff neck 3. sore muscles/joints 4. "shooting" electric feelings in my arms/legs 5. muscle twitches SO, my doc...
Hi all, Well, as you know I'm on a month's worth of Doxy for possible Lyme. Well, I'm also on the Pill and I just read on a medical site about Doxy that it's effectiveness can be decreased by birth...
Post 'em! I'm on my second week of Doxy treatment (2 weeks to go) and am feeling progressively better, though some days I backslide. There are so many sad stories on this site (with good reason). I...
Hi all, I think I posted this long ago but can't find it or any of the answers... I'm on a 28-day regimen of Doxy, and I'm on day 11. I feel MUCH better since being on the meds, but I'm wondering:...
Hi Mela, Looks like we're in kind of the same boat! Are you feeling any better, now that you're almost done with your meds?...
Hi again all, After a tick bite three weeks earlier and flu symptoms, my doc put me on Doxy for a month (no bloodwork taken). It's only 100mg twice daily. I've read on here that 300 mg to 400 mg is...
Hi all, Luckily I got on top of my Lyme pretty quickly--within three weeks of the bite. I didn't have a Lyme test done but based on the rash I had plus symptoms, my doc put me on Doxycycline. Five...
I keep reading online about "early" Lyme disease, and how if you catch it in that stage it is more likely to respond to treatment. I got into my doc and started on Doxy about 3 weeks to the day after...
Thanks everyone for replies. I don't know how to reply directly to a reply (new to this forum)!...
Hi again, Well, my doc gave me some Doxycycline for potential Lyme (bitten 3 weeks ago, had a rash around the bite but no testing). No one told me that you have to take it away from food, so for the...
Hi all, Back with another post...seeking advice. I've posted before about my symptoms, which have included a lot of muscle twitches all over my body (especially biceps and eyelid). I've also had a...
Hi, If I do have Lyme (not sure, but my doctor gave me meds anyway) when might the meds "kick in"? I got the tick bite about three weeks ago, so I imagine any infection I have isn't very far along or...
Hi, I got a bite a few weeks ago in California. I got a 2" oval rash around the bite lasting two weeks, and have been having flu-like symptoms ever since. I never found the offending tick, but I am...
Hi all, Well I have an appointment to see my doc tomorrow about a tick bite/rash I got about 2 weeks ago on vacation. From what I understand from researching, it's highly unlikely I would test...
Hi all, Sorry for my many posts! When I got my initial tick bite, I never found the tick but did pick off a little brown scab which maybe in hindsight was a tiny tick body--I don't know. Anyway, do...
About a week after my bite (pretty sure it was a tick) I went to a walk-in clinic with my concerns about Lyme. They wouldn't test for Lyme but did a blood test to see if my body was fighting a virus...
I don't know if I have it or not, but if I can't get a doctor to treat me, is it at ALL possible that the body can eventually kill off Lyme? It seems that since it is a bacterial infection, the body...
I don't know. I read on some sites that occasionally the Lyme rash will be mildly itchy, which mine was. I'm just afraid that I have it, and tests won't show it because they're not accurate, and I'll...
Hi all, I was vacationing in central California on the coast last month and noticed a bug bite on the inside of my arm. It looked like it had formed a little dried-blood scab (a little wider than a...