along the lines of the 'rife', there are also possbile other solutions. I believe that the essentials are cleaning out the body (detox), rebuiling the cells/ph levels, loading the body with 'greens...
Shelly and betterhealth, have either of you tried a full detox, including ph/oxegen/nutrition that does'nt involve 7000 pills?...
that is the trick, getting rid of the 'toxins' all together. Not only getting rid of the toxins, but rebuilding the bodies immune system to high levels to be able to make sure that our ph and oxegen...
Deejavu, I agree with everything that you say, but the problem in my opinion is that you have to have a complete system which combines many facets:diet, detox, exercise, oxegenation and rebuilding...
I have used MMS, and I agree that is 'foul tasting stuff', but it has to be diluted with a lemon, etc. because if you dont make it acitic, the damage it can do to your body can be very bad. Also, we...
peace, I agree with you fully, people have 'to be committed and put in the work'. I find this quote interesting and accurate, but in the end we are talking about our bodies, and only the person in...
I agree with those actually I use a few of those in my protocols, hopefully the word gets out there and people have an open mind in trying these 'out of the box thinking', I just find it amazing that...
just a thought, but stop going to doctors who keep giving you drug after drug...they obviously dont possibly know what to do to help you, are making money off of each med they give you. If they knew...
mel what kind of 'alternative's' have you looked into?...
anything that is made by 'wholefoods' brand i absolutely believe in and is what i recommend to everyone that i come into contact with....
what i understand is that you have to have several components to make this work. Getting your immune system, ph levels, oxegen levels, diet, toxin depletion, increasing lymphnode activity, increasing...
to all the reply's how can i help you all? if i thought that there was solutions would you be open to hear of a possible one? let me know for my 2 cents worth....
I would like to know what is everyone's consenscious about the worst problems associated with Lyme's, and would also know what everyone thinks should be done for solutions....
a gentle detox combined with a device that helps reduce the herx reaction. by reducing the toxins in the dipository parts of the body and releasing more toxins from the lymphs should help...
I have been working with many people that have Lyme Disease, and have learned a lot about 'there world'. I truly am 'in the foxhole' with these people and want nothing more than to be able to help....
Crowfeather, We believe that they are great, but w/o the whole 'kit' of first combatting the virus, rebuilding the cells, getting rid of the 'toxins', and replenishing the body with the correct...