Thanks so much for your response. It helps to know that it may be normal and gives me encouragement to continue it. It is just so frustrating to keep trying different things and just not being sure...
Hi...friends of ours who are suffering from Lyme's have been able to connect with a woman in the area who is letting people use her rife machine and also another machine (don't know name) that puts...
I will also throw this question out there...have any of you heard about hot tubs helping with lymes. I was reading some thoughts on hot baths and hot tubs and wondered if anyone is actually seeing...
Thanks Rachel for your thoughts. We are sorry to hear of your suffering. The longer we go on with this disease we realize the pain that so many endure. We have two friends that are also suffering...
Thank you for your comments. We have seen a Lyme's Specialist and she has been on anitbiotic treatments. She is currently on one right now. Sometimes, although I hate to admit it, we just begin to...
My question daugther who is eleven was bit by a tick with lymes in fourth grade. We have been dealing with the disease since then. She mostly gets sick during her weeks of school and seems to...