I think another problem is that some symptoms have really ridiculous names. Case in point--a lot of people know that Lyme disease is associated with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I'm sorry, but that's a...
Rule of thumb, it's a bad idea to stop any antibiotic without consulting your physician. But you have a call into him. I hope it all works out!...
This seems to be a problem, not just with Lyme, but with other chronic conditions too. People who haven't been through it don't understand it, FULL STOP. Sometimes I think in order to learn...
I admit this is only third-hand information, but my massage therapist's friend is convinced her two babies were born with Lyme. She had it before they were born, and they're still very little, but...
I'm so sorry you're going through this. You're right, it is hard to keep going when all you want to do is collapse and sleep. But it's good you found a forum like this where you can vent with people...
jennie48, best of luck with therapy today. She should understand, having gone through it with her kids....
Hi all, I'm a newly diagnosed Lyme disease patient (just last week). However, I don't know how long I've actually had Lyme because I never had a bullseye rash, and I haven't had a fever since summer...