If anyone has had experience with same to and cumanda please let me know your experience or results. I've read that it is possible to have some gi upset(diarrhea). I was told the Herx reaction was...
ok, thanks. I just heard back from my internist. She spoke to a naturopath from San Angelo, TX. She wants to treat me with silver, cemento, cumanda(forgive spelling we only had a phone conversation)....
I think I will try the Abx with herbs. I would also consider hyperbarics and other alternative protocols. Does anyone have any experience with Reiki for Lyme? Good news, I contacted ildas.org to find...
Thank you. I do understand the difference between the two thyroid issues. I have found www.stopthethyroidmadness.com to be the best website (and book) that I have found in a year's worth of research...
Can anyone help me? I click to unsubscribe to emails by accident from healingwell.com. How do I fix this?...
If I were to believe my other physicians I would think she is a quack. She told me she has been finding a lot of her patients with Lyme and Babesia. Heck, my endocrinologist told me if I'd talk to a...
Does anyone know or have experience with the antibiotic rotation protocol?...
No, I haven 't done any formal detoxing yet. I just hate the thought of feeling worse again and still having daily chores and work to attend to. I guess I can start with the baths. Haven't even...
Well, my next question is- am I on the right track of attacking this thing? I guess I will be started on oral antibiotics for about a month and natural healing herbs,etc as well. Is there anything...
I live in Louisiana. I do not live in Europe. I have read through some of the info on the new to Lyme forum. I am just wondering if this disease is curable. It doesn't look like it from the reading...
I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease a little over a year ago. Lately my internist found that I have borrelia valaisiana. I never had a bullseye rash and never saw a tick. I don't know how I got...