Thank you for your honest response. I'm grateful for the 'patient gateway' system the hospital has in place to contact your doctor / see the results / etc. I'm hoping his response will provide me...
True. He stated that I need both, the tests & the clinical symptoms for a diagnosis. My SSA was 154 on the last test.. and my ana titer was high, but everything else was semi normal on the...
It's been a little while since I posted here last. To recap; I'm a 25 year old female. After almost 6 months of tests, repeat tests, and mris, my diagnosis has finally been narrowed down to an...
I think the area of confusion is that there are no reference ranges on my results. ;/...
Ok so some back story... My lyme titer was positive, but western blot was negative. I've been on antibiotics for 3 months ,and worsening completely. my ANA is positive, RF was high, 1:160 speckled...
Just wanted to vent. The past few days I've been experiencing some .. intense/new symptoms. including; stabbing pain in the back right side o fmy head every 5 to 10 minutes leaving a dull pain in...
OH no, i fully believe that my symptoms are lyme based. I guess I'm kind of hopeful that something else pops up that is an answer to some of the other issues.. An "easy" fix persay. The pressure in...
I'm seeing my primary, a neurologist, and another doctor that claims to specialize in lyme. The neuro & primary are in the same office, so they'v ebeen working together on my "case." I'm sure most of...
Has anyone else experienced sharp stabbing short-lasting pains in the back of the head on the right side? is this normal? the pain lasts a fwe seconds each time and leaves a smaller lingering dull...
I am on doxy, omnicef, and then i'm on gabapentin for the numbness/etc with my arms. I have not received iv's. My primary doesn't believe in that.. and the other doctor I saw said that in his opinion...
i'm assuming viral levels show up in blood work? my blood work was fine aside from the lyme titer and ANA/RF. My brain mri showed increased t2 signal in the right frontal lobe and minimal sinus...
I am not seeing an LLMD. I"ve been waiting to hear back from one for a month now. I never get a call back. My PT has been attempting to help me with the process so I can get in there. The primary...
Oh man ;[ Yeah my primary said the local ENT just crashed his bike and would be out of work for awhile, so the only other "local" ENT was doublebooking both of their appts to keep up. ;/ I'm assuming...
So to cut my long story short; I've been diagnosed for a few months now. Multiple doctors, multiple conflicting courses of treatment or opinions. My primary & Neuro want to do a lumbar puncture ot...
Me too! I odn't understand why anyone would say if one dose of one antibiotic doesn't "fix it" then you will never be better. ;/...
Thank you. I'm hoping to get into to see the new Lyme Disease doctor asap. It's good to hear that this will also subside. Any type of hearing loss is extremely frightening.;/...
Well, if you go back. i was diagnosed with "depression" when i was 14, then ocd & panic disorder. so i guess that could be related? I've always had issues with slight arthritis and joint pain in my...
Second post here. 25 year old female. copy from my last post; I recently saw a "lyme's specialist" whom confirmed this is Lyme and that it is in my brain [ as shown by brain mri. in the frontal lobe...
Ah ok! Well, my appointment with the Rheumy isn't until April. So hopefully he will treat me according to the Lyme's guidelines. ;/...
Well, I personally think that it is possible to just be Lymes. But maybe the dr should add in another antibiotic with it or change the antibiotic? And yes, dizziness/lightheadness/loss of...
OH my goodness!!! The Neuro I saw did tell me he "had no idea what was going on." But once I asked if he would refer me to a Lyme's Specialist, he agreed. I called the specialist today to confirm...
Yeah, the first doctor said "oh it's just muscle spasms. go to pt." second doctor said "oh you'll be fine a few weeks. take some tylenol and do some aerobic exercises." so, i see this third dr for...
Thank you very much! I'm seeing a new primary Tuesday as the past 2 I saw did not believe anything was going on with me. ;/...
That makes sense. The dr i saw recommended a supplement that had 3 major things in it.. can't recall off the top of my head.. but it coq10 with 2 others. tried to find it locally, no oluck....
I'm assuming it's located in the supplement/vitamin section?...
Is there a medication that helps with the pain / immflamation/ etc? The dr just gave me the two antibiotics, told me to take fiber pills with the abx, and recommended a supplement....
Thanks. How long does a "herx" usually last? ;/ I'm sure it's different for everyone, but ugh. This stinks. The pain is getting a bit more awful too. I stood up to walk to the kitchen and the pain...
I did. I just wasn't sure if my symptoms could be a reaction or if they are herxing.. I expected to have more pain or more fatigue.. but not for the neuro issues to get worse. i'm a single mother, so...
New here. I'm Kade. 25 year old female. I recently saw a "lyme's specialist" whom confirmed this is Lyme and that it is in my brain [ as shown by brain mri. in the frontal lobe ]. He put me on doxy...