4 years ago woke with worst headache ever--viral menengitis Headaches for 6 months straight then down hill. . . Constantly tired, but always have been a sleepy person Hurt all over, worse than the...
I think so.!?!? He has been treating Chronic Lyme for many years We tried Amoxcylin, Ceftin, Biaxin, Flagyl, Suprax, Rifampin, Doxycycline--orals and Rocephin and Zithromax--IV Now my family says to...
Is it part of the disease to start constantly think about doing things that would be neat to do , but you know you can't do?...
I fired my pain mgmt. Doc because of Rifampin. It all but zeroed out the effects of my Kadian and Oxycodone....
I feel like I'm on a new reality show. Just came back from the big CC (Clinic). I THOUGHT I wanted a 2nd, 3rd, 4th. . . opinion??? The doctor there said to take out my PICC line and stop the ABX....
Thank you I was about to start meditating when my husband yelled, can you help me pick up the washing machine? I bought a riser as I can't bend very well to do the laundry. So now he wants me to jump...
Wow, thanks even though I read through the "start here" when I was first diagnosed. I didn't realize how much info was there that I had forgotten! I highly recommend Lyme patients to go back again...
How did your test work out? My Dr. ordered a bone scan of both hips for Thur. to check for nercrosis. So much pain at night after only 1/2 hour of sleep on each side. I really appreciate the tip from...