Cant find a ton of info about it but this from a previous post on this site : "According to the Igenex web site, Band 31 can be positive for other reasons like EBV and so they have a band 31 epitope...
Interesting, I'm just relaying information someone from Igenex told me because my band 31 was indeterminate. He said that they can do additional testing to confirm if it is from Lyme or not. He said...
My igenex tests are still somewhat indeterminate and Igenex suggested to specifically test band 31 which was indeterminate for me to see if its set off from Lyme. I've been treated with several...
how can I gain my appetite back? I do not have much of one at all. I have lost a lot of weight and am not eating enough calories even though I've been supplementing with high protein shakes 1-2 times...
I believe I have major neuro implications with my Lyme, and a lot of head pain and sensations which make it impossible to even think straight. Are there any recommendations for pain relief that don't...
Anyone know anything about compounded tetracycline? I was just recommended to go on either minocycline, compounded tetracycline or IV doxy (as I hadn't responded to oral doxy this time around). Of...
It seems like there is a lot of info out there recently about this substance and I have been considering that I may be allergic to it or get sick from it. I see a correlation between when I started...
Thank you for the advice. I have been taking B vitamins for quite a while and actually got a b12 shot that my LLMD recommended a few days ago but it hasnt yet done anything for my energy. I did...
Thanks, I actually won't be back to see my LLMD but will hear from him when I get the results back (probably next week) with instructions on how to proceed. He doesnt book follow up appointments for...
My LLMD books appointments so far in advance, and it'd be nice to actually go to the doctor when you are feeling especially bad so they can be monitoring your progress/lack of progress. My LLMD never...
I am not sure what to do about my health at this point. Every day I feel like I am at my worst and that I could die and yet the next day is somehow worse. Lying down used to give me some relief, now...
I had no signs of a tick bite either but a tick bite would be hard to notice if there was no rash left as ticks are small. I think it is logical that other bugs could carry the infection if they feed...
I'm curious to know how you guys were diagnosed with adrenal fatigue. I recently got my cortisol and aldosterone tested and should get results soon but this was blood. Is the 24 hour saliva test...
Interesting responses, I will look into them. Lavender gives me headaches as well....
I know very little about asthma and respiratory problems but I figured I could get some good answers from you guys. I have been having many systemic symptoms and doctors cannot figure out exactly...
I'm sure I'm not the only one who has trouble sleeping here. Both symptoms and anxieties really interfere with my sleep most nights, yet sleep and rest are so important for us. I was wondering if...
Hello I see this is an old thread but I am curious as well about respiratory issues. I am currently awaiting igenex lab results for lyme and coinfections but have been increasingly concerned about my...
Thanks guys. I did end up not taking the medication last night. The doctor said I am probably herxing bad (especially since I was taking a full dose of 1 pill 3 times a day for 2 days since he didn't...
I know Flagyl can cause neurological problems and I'm wondering if the problems I am having are from Flagyl. I've felt even dizzier and weaker than before I was taking it. I'm having even more...
Thanks. I know that ELISA can often yield false positives so now I am questioning on whether or not I have or ever had Lyme back then or now. Nothing ever resulted specifically in Lyme diagnosis...
We've always been taught that deer ticks are the ones that carry and transmit Lyme and we don't need to worry about wood ticks. Just curious if there is any information out there showing that wood...
While having possible lyme/coinfection symptoms over the past year and a half I have lost a significant amount of weight, probably due to lack of appetite. Any ideas for how to stimulate appetite, or...
I've been very inactive, basically confined to my home, recently due to my symptoms..mainly trouble breathing, dizziness, shakiness, rapid heart rate, weakeness etc. I dont really have joint or...
Thanks, will see what igenex says about babesia, etc and keep you guys posted. The next prescription after flagyl I'm supposed to try in my Drs standard regimen is for babesia...
My treatment has been all over the place, inconsistent. I was diagnosed with Lyme via ELISA (no western blot was conducted)and treated with doxy for 3-4 weeks in 2010. Felt like new again within...
I've looked through some of the Flagyl related topics on here already- the drug obviously is quite the topic of conversation for those who have taken it. It appears as though most of you on Flagyl...
Thanks, yes I have done the bloodwork on those igenex tests and am waiting for results, hadn't heard of the bartonella galaxy one though. In the meantime I can barely function and I need to go to...
So I have been having what may be a Lyme relapse or development of chronic Lyme or late stage Lyme. I've seen an LLMD and am waiting on Igenex coinfection and lyme panel results but he put me on...
Obviously Lyme symptoms are so numerous and overlap with many other medical conditions. My biggest fear is of being treated with many long-term antibiotics based off of inconclusive Lyme tests, and...