Thank you all for sharing your stories, some very familiar symptoms as I read through the posts. I too pray for a cure for this disease...
coffee enemas are awesome, just a great source of natural energy and detoxing! also as stated previously -g no sugar, gluten, dairy. I follow strict paleo/primal guidelines. Remember sugar feeds the...
Wow, thanks for the info Phantasmagoo and Razzle, great reading and I am going to look into a Rife machine. I don't know what I'd do without this board and all the great people!...
Thought it would be interesting to hear from people - what were the first symptoms that appeared for you, where you felt "this is not right" - that sent you to your Dr.'s office?...
Thank you sheva, nice to know that their are others out there like us, what you say totally makes sense and nice to be reassured that I am hopefully treating the 'right' illness. I was born in...
Thank you Cat and vcast for the replies. Cat, I have heard rifing mentioned several times, but don't know what it is. It is very encouraging that your husband saw some improvements while undergoing...
Traveler, I am SO very happy to hear this! Congratulations and hurrah's for you!! /community/emoticons/turn.gif You are hope and inspiration to the rest of us, that this can be done!...
Hi Ryan, I started Minocycline 2 1/2 weeks ago to treat chronic Lyme. 100mg once a day. After the second pill I felt like I'd been hit by a truck.. fatigue so bad I could hardly get out of bed,...
Hi, I feel your pain and Im sorry you are going through this, this disease sucks.. I have been looking a going to the Hansa Center in Wichita, KS if I can't find a better LLMD and ND in...
message me wit h details and contact info, thanks in advance...
Andy, can't believe I didn't see this post til now. I completely understand and sympathize with what you are saying. . I was dxn with MS in 2009, then 3 1/2 months ago positive for Lyme. I just...
Hi Cat, thank you so much for the reply. I really think you are right Cat, this dreaded little 'lyme bug' is the root cause, it is just hard to stop being paranoid when going through these 'down' or...
Thank you WWJD, it is nice to know I am not alone in this battle. And you are right, I need to not focus so much on what 'it' is, and instead on helping my body get better. I can't hide or ignore...
Hello, I was dxn with Lyme via Igenex western blot this past Feb 2012. I was also dxn with MS in March of 2009 with MRI with about 6 lesions and Ogliconal bands on LP. lesions located in...
Hope2bhealthy, keep the faith, I am hoping one day this will all resolve and we can get some semblance of what was. ((hugs)) WWJD20, thanks so much for the information - no I have not done a parasite...
I'm reviving an older thread here, but the postings resonate with me. I gained ALOT of weight about 4-5 years ago, hadn't changed anything in my routine, was always active outdoors with my horses,...
Hi all, Just catching up on the replies now after being gone on a trip. Very very good information here!!! I am feeling much better after reading all of the posts and stories :) Thank you everyone! I...
Thank you thank you springsjean for taking the time to answer! Am I less likely to be treated by an MD because I am not CDC positive? Specifically speaking, can antibiotics only be prescribed if you...
Hello, I am new to this forum, but very grateful to have found it. Would someone be able to help interpret my Igenex results? Does this mean I have Lyme, or do not have Lyme because I am CDC negative...