Well, met with the Rheumatologist this am regarding some abnormal auto-immune related blood tests. He looked at my Western Blot results and said that having only one bar positive meant the infection...
Hi Mike...Yes, the tremor and now the pins and needles in the hands and feet are very disturbing. When I got up this am, my hands felt like I was wearing gloves...The ringing/squealing has come and...
Thank you, BarnGurl...I have gotten used to the ringing/shrieking sounds but the new numbness and tingling is stressful. I wonder if the numbness on the right side of the face and lips is related to...
Hello Folks I have had this stuff making my life miserable since the beginning of the year. The symptoms have come and gone and changed over time. I seem to have lots of neuro related symptoms such...
I have been sick for six months with this misery. My PC has done as much as he knows how to do with antibiotics but the response to three months of doxecycline and flagyl has been less than hoped...